

David Meyer 2019-07-13

2017年国际动漫展第一天,DC漫画展台上,《疯狂杂志》封面上的吉祥物阿尔弗雷德·纽曼吐舌头打招呼。图片来源:Photo by Kevin Sullivan/Digital First Media/Orange County Register via Getty Images




MAD Magazine, once a touchstone of American satirical humor, is leaving newsstands after a 67-year history.

MAD will after August only be available through comic stores and mail-order, former staffers and contributors revealed late Wednesday. There will still be bi-monthly issues, but they will only include vintage MAD material—the only new content will appear in end-of-year specials.

“Working at MAD was a childhood dream come true. MAD is an institution with such a rich history. It informed just about every comedian and writer I (and probably you) look up to,” tweeted Allie Goertz, MAD’s former editor, who resigned last month—other senior editorial staff appear to have been laid off earlier last week by Warner-owned DC Entertainment, the magazine’s publisher.

《疯狂杂志》1968年封面。这本标志性的讽刺出版物即将结束报摊零售。图片来源:Getty Images


《疯狂杂志》的影响力确实非常大,不但讽刺电影和电视节目,也讽刺政治和其他时事,风格在极不正经、充满无政府主义的轻蔑和敏锐洞察力之间转换。旅居古巴的漫画家安东尼奥·普罗希亚斯创作的系列连环漫画《间谍对决》(Spy vs Spy)凸显了冷战意识形态冲突多么荒谬。刚开始做杂志折叠封底是为了评论讽刺20世纪60年代中期盛行的杂志插页,没想到最后持续了半个世纪。

“I am profoundly sad to hear that after 67 years, MAD Magazine is ceasing publication,” tweeted“Weird” Al Yankovic, who in 2015 was MAD’s first guest editor. “I can’t begin to describe the impact it had on me as a young kid–it’s pretty much the reason I turned out weird. Goodbye to one of the all-time greatest American institutions. #ThanksMAD.”

MAD was indeed incredibly influential. Veering between extreme silliness, anarchic disrespect and sharp insight, it satirized movies and TV shows, but also politics and other current events. Its Spy vs Spy strip, created by Cuban expat Antonio Prohías, highlighted the absurd side of the Cold War’s ideological clashes. Its fold-in back covers started as a satirical comment on the mid-1960s trend for splashy magazine fold-outs, but endured for half a century.

搞怪专家艾尔·扬科维奇在网上哀叹《疯狂杂志》停止报摊零售。2015年,艾尔担任第一位客座编辑。图片来源:Mark Sagliocco—Getty Images


美国总统唐纳德·特朗普经常遭 《疯狂杂志》讽刺,最近他嘲笑民主党总统候选人皮特·巴特吉,说他漏风嘴,招风耳,像极了《疯狂杂志》的吉祥物阿尔弗雷德·纽曼(纽曼的口头禅是: “什么,我担心?”),刚开始巴特吉都不知道特朗普在说什么。






But the magazine ceased to be a cultural barometer some time ago. The audience for magazines is generally smaller than it once was, and a similar satirical vein is these days found far more easily online and on TV.

When President Donald Trump—a frequent target of MAD’s barbs—recently mocked Pete Buttegieg by comparing his appearance with that of MAD’s gap-toothed, jug-eared mascot, Alfred E. Neuman (catchphrase: “What, me worry?”) the Democratic presidential candidate initially didn’t know what Trump was talking about.

“I’ll be honest. I had to Google that,” Buttegieg told Politico. “I guess it’s just a generational thing. I didn’t get the reference. It’s kind of funny, I guess.”

MAD underwent a dramatic shift at the end of 2017, when DC relocated its offices from Manhattan to Burbank, California. None of the magazine’s veteran staff came along, and MAD’s tone changed—for example, it carried a relatively somber spread about school shootings.

DC declined to comment on the reasons behind MAD’s effective end.
