

Ashwin Rodrigues 2019-10-30


第一家公司是亚马逊(Amazon),今年早些时候别别扭扭地把第二总部“HQ2”搬到了长岛市。第二家是沃克公司(Walker & Co.),这家针对有色人种的化妆品公司在被宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)收购后,从旧金山湾区搬到了亚特兰大。该公司的创始人特里斯坦·沃克表示,搬到南方的主要原因是希望与客户更亲近。

他并不孤单。2018年,工程和建筑公司柏克德(Bechtel)从旧金山搬到了弗吉尼亚州的莱斯顿。今年早些时候,药品分销巨头麦克森(McKesson)将其总部从旧金山搬到了得克萨斯州的拉斯科利纳斯。户外服装公司北面(the North Face)正在收拾行装,准备在2020年前从湾区搬到丹佛;此前,科罗拉多州向该公司提供了2700万美元的税收优惠,鼓励其搬迁。




Two U.S. companies announce a new headquarters. One sets off a countrywide bidding war, paired with protests. The other is welcomed with open arms, congratulated and celebrated.

The first company, Amazon, botched its “HQ2” move to Long Island City earlier this year. The second is Walker & Co.—a beauty company for people of color—which moved from the Bay Area to Atlanta, following an acquisition by Procter & Gamble. Founder Tristan Walker cited a desire to be closer to his customers as the main reason for the move to the South.

And he’s not alone. In 2018, engineering and construction firm Bechtel relocated from San Francisco to Reston, Va. Earlier this year, drug distribution giant McKesson moved its headquarters from San Francisco to Las Colinas, Texas. And outdoor clothing company the North Face is packing up its gear and moving from the Bay Area to Denver by 2020, after Colorado presented the company with $27 million in tax incentives to move.

With the Bay Area’s high cost of living and operating unlikely to subside anytime soon, we can expect plenty more hackneyed “Why I Left San Francisco” Medium posts to come.

A version of this article appears in the November 2019 issue of Fortune with the headline “Out of the Bay, Not Looking Back.”
