EXAMPLE: To encourage full occupancy as soon as possible in the new apartment building, the management offered free rent for two months as a move-in special for all new tenants.
为了促进新公寓入住率尽快达到 100%,管理层向所有新租户提供两个月的免租金入住优惠。
为了促进新公寓入住率尽快达到 100%,管理层向所有新租户提供两个月的免租金入住优惠。
单词 | prioritize |
中文释义 |
按重要性排序(动词) |
英文释义 |
(verb) To list items in order of importance. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: Every day the young executive made a list of his tasks so that he could prioritize them and accomplish what was most important first. 这位年轻的经理每天都要列出任务清单,这样他就能分清工作的轻重缓急,先完成最重要的工作。 |
短语 | move-in special |
中文释义 |
入住优惠 |
英文释义 |
A special reduction in price that is given when new property owners or renters occupy a property (NOTE: "to move in" means to occupy a new residence, moving one's belongings in to the building). |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: To encourage full occupancy as soon as possible in the new apartment building, the management offered free rent for two months as a move-in special for all new tenants. 为了促进新公寓入住率尽快达到 100%,管理层向所有新租户提供两个月的免租金入住优惠。 |