EXAMPLE: My company had several prosperous years at first, but we ran aground last year when faced by rising production costs and increased competition.
单词 | pitch-perfect |
中文释义 |
听上去完全真实的(形容词,非正式) |
英文释义 |
(adjective, INFORMAL) Sounding extremely accurate. (NOTE: "perfect pitch" is the ability of a singer to produce specific musical notes with accuracy) |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: The novelist's ability to write pitch-perfect dialog makes his characters quite believable. 这位小说家创作真实感极强的对话的能力令他笔下的人物可信度很高。 |
短语 | to run aground |
中文释义 |
受阻(俚语) |
英文释义 |
(SLANG) To encounter difficulties that prevent future progress. (NOTE: nautical term referring to a ship that hits rocks or shallow surface under water and cannot sail) |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: My company had several prosperous years at first, but we ran aground last year when faced by rising production costs and increased competition. 我的公司一开始兴旺了好几年,但在去年,我们因生产成本上升和竞争加剧而受阻。 |