

Anne Fisher 2011年05月17日




    1. 选用正规的用户名。与你所使用的商务电子邮件地址一样,如果你用hotpants33或者partyanimal2011这样的名字作为Skype的账号,那绝对不是个好主意。

    2. 练习对着电脑说话。罗森塔尔建议,在参加Skype会面或面试之前,“要保证你熟悉这项技术。多多练习,可以先和朋友进行排练。”

    3. 布置合适的环境。你肯定希望对方看到的是简洁的背景,没有物品、动作或者声音会分散他的注意力。罗森塔尔表示:“你的背后不应该有亮光,因为这会让你的脸色变暗。如果有必要的话,可以换一下显示器的位置。”

    4. 排除干扰。一定要关掉你的手机,而且,如果你在家使用Skype的话,在面试期间把你的家人和宠物先赶出去吧。与传统的电话面试一样,狗叫声和孩子纠缠不休的声音,对你没有一点好处。

    5. 退后一点。罗森塔尔建议:“不要离显示器太近。你绝对不想对方只看到你的脸。”

    6. 进行(虚拟的)眼神接触。在讲话的时候,不要只盯着显示器,而不看摄像头;否则会给对方留下捉摸不透的印象。但是“也不要目不转睛地盯着摄像头看”,因为这让你看起来非常古怪。


    Now that Microsoft (MSFT) is shelling out $8.5 billion to buy Skype, the service -- which already claims 170 million users and 40% annual growth -- seems poised to become even more ubiquitous in the business world.

    Already, says Bill Rosenthal, Skype interviews are fast replacing phone screenings as a way for employers to check out job candidates before, or even instead of, an in-person sit-down.

    Rosenthal is chief executive of Communispond, a 32-year-old coaching firm that teaches communications skills to executives. His six tips for projecting the right persona in cyberspace:

    1. Choose a professional username. As with an email address you use for business, a Skype account with a moniker like hotpants33 or partyanimal2011 is a dumb idea.

    2. Practice talking to your computer. Before a Skype meeting or interview, "make sure you're familiar with the technology," Rosenthal suggests. "Practice using it. Rehearse with a friend."

    3. Arrange the right setting. You want to be seen against an uncluttered background with no distracting objects, movement, or sound. "There shouldn't be light behind you, because it will darken your face," Rosenthal says. "Move your monitor if you have to."

    4. Block out interruptions. Turn off your cell phone, of course, but also, if you're Skype-ing from home, banish your family and pets for the duration. As with an old-school phone interview, howling dogs and importuning children will do you no favors.

    5. Back it up a little. "Don't move too close to the monitor. You don't want only your face showing," Rosenthal says.

    6. Make (virtual) eye contact. Gazing at the computer screen instead of the camera while you're talking will make you seem shifty. But "don't stare unblinkingly at the camera", either, which will just make you look weird.

    "As in a live meeting or interview, remember that the first impression you make will be lasting," Rosenthal notes. So, particularly for a job interview, be sure to look the part: "Even if the company has a reputation for being laid-back and casual, wear a suit." Some things never change.

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