卡巴尼的营销团队有25名员工;与其他公司不同,他们争取做到每封邮件必复。其他公司认为这样做是浪费时间。现在卡巴尼在Twitter上关注955人,但她有23,123名粉丝。有些人非常希望她能够出第二本书。卡巴尼说,她要等自己拥有真正有价值的理念时再动笔。她说:“我自己得率先实践我给出的建议,做一些真正适合我自己的事情。”卡巴尼希望拥有一个长远的品牌,而不是昙花一现的热度。我们都知道,这需要自制力,它比点击发送按钮要难得多。 自我品牌五大保鲜妙招 1. 重视诚信:声誉和信任领域专家汉娜•塞缪尔称:“不论你在个人简历中采取何种程度的夸大,你都要做好准备,这可能会对你的职业生涯产生持久的破坏性影响。”现在要核查个人信息是非常容易的。一丝一毫的夸大都可能导致严重的后果。 2. 杜绝天花乱坠的炒作:《Me 2.0》一书作者丹•施瓦贝尔称,在一篇博客文章后留言或者发表评论时,请确保它能“增进沟通”,而不要简单列举一大堆网址、广告语或者网络虚拟身份。他说:“这只会让别人扭头走开。” 3. 活在当下:梅赛德斯-奔驰美国公司的史蒂夫•卡说,身处公司某活动现场,如果只顾编辑YouTube视频或者发布tweet,这并不是什么积极的形象。他说,恰好相反,“要积极参与并沉浸到活动当中。”走进现实生活,没准就能碰上一个事实崽子的好机会。 4. 拒绝消极:不要对别人的观点和某些人有太多非难。跳过这些陷阱。指导专家丽塔•艾希利说,我们肯定不希望被贴上消极的标签。可以选择成为某一方面专家,根据自己的工作或兴趣领域找大约三家网上社区,与他人建立联系,分享各人的想法,交换信息或者撰写评论。 5. 始终如一:如果很少更新博客,或者形象起伏太大, 只会损害自己的品牌。要明确自己的核心信念,了解自己的目标听众。《声望360》(Reputation 360)作者丽达•雪特兰说,要保持个人品牌的活力,必须做到“有条理,有耐心,同时目标明确”。
译者:李玫晓/汪皓 |
At Kabani's Marketing Zen Group, the 25 staffers strive to answer every e-mail that comes in -- unlike other companies, which see it as a waste of their time. Today Kabani follows 955 people on Twitter, but she has 23,123 followers. Some are eager for her to write a second book; Kabani says she will wait until she actually has something important to say. "I needed to take my own advice," she says, "and do something that worked for me." Kabani wants a lifelong brand rather than 15 minutes of fame, and that takes discipline -- which is, as we all know, a lot tougher than pressing the send button. 5 ways to keep your brand from going sour 1. Honor honesty: "If you … inflate your résumé in any way, be prepared for it to leave lasting damaging effects on your career," says Hannah Samuel, an expert on reputation and trust. It's way too easy to check things these days. A little exaggeration can lead to serious consequences. 2. No boosterism: When you leave a message or comment on a blog post, make sure you're focused on "adding to the conversation," says Dan Schawbel, author of Me 2.0. When you sign it, don't list multiple websites or your slogan and a pile of digital identities. "It turns people away," he says. 3. Stay in the moment: If you're at a corporate event and all you do is edit your YouTube video or tweet, you're not projecting a positive image, says Mercedes-Benz USA 's Steve Cannon. Instead, he says, "drink it in." You might get a real live opportunity instead of an online one. 4. Nix negativity: Don't criticize ideas and people very much. Skip the snark. You don't want to be labeled a negative person, says coach Rita Ashley. An alternative: Be an expert. Find three or so online communities in your field or interest area and create bonds, share ideas or information, or write reviews. 5. Be consistent: If your blog is seldom updated or your image swings from the 1% to the 99%, you're hurting yourself. Make sure you're clear on your core beliefs and target audience. Then be "systematic, patient, and intentional" about your brand for staying power, says Lida Citroen, author of Reputation 360. |