

Colleen Leahey 2014年01月24日


    • 最适宜工作的公司排名:60

    这家律师事务所每年为波士顿的员工提供红袜队(Red Sox)棒球比赛的两个包厢座位,包括季后赛和总决赛。这项福利的资格取决于员工的资历,但公司表示会尽最大努力让尽可能多的律师享受到这项福利。此外,它还通过办公室抽奖的方式,发放在TD花园球场(TD Garden)、吉列体育馆(Gillette Stadium)和芬威公园(Fenway Park)举办的演唱会的门票——其他地方的办事处也会举办类似的活动。


    Bingham McCutchen

    • Best Companies Rank: 60

    The law firm offers its Boston-based employees two box seats to a Red Sox game annually, including playoffs and championships. Seniority determines eligibility, but Bingham says it makes every effort to include as many of its lawyers as possible. Tickets to concerts at TD Garden, Gillette Stadium, and Fenway Park are also offered in office raffles -- and its other locations hold similar contests.


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