本文由《财富》与《企业家》(Entrepreneur)杂志联合推出。原稿刊载于Entrepreneur.com。 如果你想要成为一名成功的企业家,或是在事业上飞黄腾达,那么你可以从模仿那些你认识的,或是在报纸上读到过的成功人士开始,培养和他们一样的思考和说话方式。 下是绝不会从成功人士口中说出的话: 1.“我们做不了。” 无论是公司或个人,取得成功的一项关键素质是将为客户解决问题和满足他们的需求视为首要任务。如果同一需求重复出现,成功人士会学会尽可能快速地处理。 2.“我不会。” 成功人士不会主动放弃寻找解决方案,而是尽可能地通过学习来取得项目或职业上的成功。比如,一位非常成功的国际商业顾问,如果每年要到意大利出差好几次,那他绝不会拒绝学习意大利语。 3.“我不知道那是什么。” 口口声声说不知道并不能解决问题。这只会把客户推向那些愿意和他们一起努力解决问题的人。对人诚实永远是件好事,但是在坦诚自己不知道后,你接下来要马上说:“但是我一定会弄清楚”。这才是成功之道。 4.“我喜欢一切都自己来。” 成功人士总是会和那些和自己一样睿智、有悟性、有担当的人在一起。这时,他们就需要在适当的时候给予他人信任,这样日后他们也会回报以信任。认可那些帮助和影响过你的人,你也会不断收获成功和认可。 5.“太早了。” 本杰明•富兰克林和史蒂夫•乔布斯这样的杰出人士绝对不会说,“我到不了这么早”。如果一大早有一场网络会议、项目发布会或一次面试机会,成功人士肯定会想尽办法准时到场。成功的必备要素之一就是在对的时间出现在对的地点,无论你是习惯早起的鸟儿还是夜猫子。 |
This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The article below was originally published at Entrepreneur.com. If you want to become more successful as an entrepreneur or in your career, you can start by making a habit of talking and thinking more like the people you know or read about who are already successful. Here are some phrases you’ll never hear a successful person say: 1. “We can’t do that.” One thing that makes people and companies successful is the ability to make solving their customers’ problems and demands their main priority. If a need arises repeatedly, the most successful people learn how to solve it as quickly as they can. 2. “I don’t know how.” Instead of automatically shutting down solution-finding, successful people learn what they can in order to succeed in a project or in their career. For example, you would never see a truly successful international business consultant who travels to Italy multiple times per year refusing to learn Italian. 3. “I don’t know what that is.” Pleading ignorance doesn’t make the problem go away. It just makes the asker find someone who is able to work with them to solve the problem. While’s it’s always good to be honest with those you interact with, finishing this phrase with “but I’ll find out” is a surefire way to become more successful. 4. “I did everything on my own.” The best people know to surround themselves with others who are smart, savvy and as dedicated as they are. What makes this work is always giving credit where it’s due, as due credit to you will always come back in hand. Recognize those that have helped you or made an impact and you’ll continue to earn success and recognition yourself. 5. “That’s too early.” You would never hear Benjamin Franklin or someone such as Steve Jobs say, “that is too early for me to be there.” If there is a networking meeting, project launch or interview opportunity at the very beginning of the day, the most successful people do what it takes to be there. Part of being successful is being at the right place at the right time, no matter if you’re a morning bird or night owl. |