Lean In 理念为什么没让男女更平等?

Lean In 理念为什么没让男女更平等?

Money 2015年11月15日
近年来,由facebook首席运营官桑德伯格发出的“向前一步”(Lean In)之声振聋发聩,全球响应者芸芸。但实际情况有好转吗?




    The more a woman works to distinguish herself and advance her career, the larger the wage gap separating her from similarly qualified male colleagues. That’s according to PayScale’s new report, “Inside the Gender Pay Gap,” which finds that the compensation gulf widens as a woman’s job level and educational attainment increase. Women who’ve earned PhDs and spots in the executive suite face the greatest wage discrimination of all.

    Male executives earn a staggering 33% more than their female counterparts. And even when controlled for factors like years of experience, education, skills, management responsibilities, and company size, the gap remains at 6%, according to PayScale’s report, which collected data on 1.4 million full-time employees between July 2013 and July 2015.

    Men and women who have no management responsibilities have the narrowest controlled wage gap, at 2.2%.





    Even when a women has a mentor or higher-up looking out for her, the wage gap persists. While both men and women who have been recommended for leadership training earn more money than their counterparts who have not, men see a greater pay increase than women. Among those who have been targeted for the manager track, the wage gap is 3.3%; among those who have not, the gap is only 1.6%.

    And just as being a workplace leader doesn’t close the gap, neither does more education.

    The controlled pay gap between a woman who holds an associate degree and her similarly credentialed male colleague is 2.2%, the smallest of any male-female peer groups.

    Women who’ve earned a doctorate face the highest controlled pay gap (5.1%), followed by MBA graduates (4.7%) and those who have earned medical degrees (4.6%).

    令人意外的是,就读于美国最知名高校的女性,与其男性校友的可控薪酬差距反而是最大的。常春藤盟校毕业生的可控性别薪酬差距为4%,而不可控差距为28.7%。相比之下,艺术与设计院校和工程类院校的毕业生,可控性别薪酬差距最低,均为1.9%。这不得不让我们思考,Lean In 理念为什么没让男女更平等?难道需要“向前两步”吗?(财富中文网)



    Surprisingly, women who opt to study at some of the nation’s most well-regarded schools also reported the biggest controlled pay gaps relative to their male peers. Ivy league graduates have a 4% controlled gender wage gap and a 28.7% uncontrolled gap. By contrast, graduates of art and design schools are tied with those of engineering schools for the lowest controlled gender pay gap, 1.9%.

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