上周五,位于纽约第五大道的苹果(Apple)专卖店被无数玩家围得水泄不通,大家都在竞相购买iPad 2。据店员估计,当天售出的iPad 2中,有一半将会被带往海外,重新出售。 此番景象让人颇为熟悉。去年9月,《纽约时报》(New York Times)发表了一篇调查报告,描述中国顾客是如何排队抢购多部售价600美元的iPhone 4手机,然后将其以每部750美元的价格卖给唐人街的中间商,最后这些手机漂洋过海,抵达香港,被以每部1000美元的高价售出。 M.I.C Gadget是一家因史蒂夫•乔布斯“死亡之握”人偶闻名的网站。上周日,该网站发布了一篇关于罗先生的文章。据其描述,罗先生是香港iPhone灰市的“教父”。他同时也控制着香港iPad 2灰市。他的手下分布在纽约、芝加哥、旧金山和洛杉矶,随时准备将一个个装满iPad 2的手提箱空运至香港。上周日,iPad 2就已现身香港市场,不过价格提高了83%到105%。 罗先生版iPad 2的售价如下表所示: |
The staff manning the huge crowd that mobbed Apple's (AAPL) Fifth Avenue Store Friday estimate that as many as half the iPads sold that day were being bought for re-sale overseas. It's a familiar pattern. In September, the New York Times ran an investigative report detailing how Chinese customers were lining up to buy pairs of $600 iPhone 4s, selling them for $750 apiece to a Chinatown middleman who shipped them to Hong Kong, where they could fetch as much as $1,000 each. On Sunday, M.I.C Gadget -- best known for its Steve Jobs action figure -- profiled a Mr. Lo, whom it describes as the "master" of the Hong Kong iPhone gray market. According to this report, Lo did the same thing with the new iPad. He had couriers in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles ready to fly suitcases stuffed with iPad 2s across the Pacific, and by Sunday was selling them for mark-ups ranging from 83% to 105%. Mr. Lo's price list below the fold. |