你还不知道吗?在我终于拿到了等待近1个月的iPad 2两天后,苹果公司(Apple)在线商店将发货时间缩短到了1-2周,美国国内外都一样。 当初在iPad 2发布后几个小时内订购的用户们曾不得不等待4-5周。 究竟这是由于供应改善,还是需求减弱,都只能是猜测。考虑到纽约市苹果直营店门口每天早上仍有排队者,前者的可能性似乎更大。 感谢几位读者为我提供的这条信息。 |
Wouldn't you know that two days after my iPad 2 finally arrived -- nearly a month after it was ordered -- the ship times on Apple's (AAPL) online store tightened to 1-2 weeks, both in the U.S. and abroad. Within hours of the product's launch, customers who bought their iPad 2s online had to wait 4-5 weeks. Whether the improvements are due to improved supply or slackening demand is a matter of speculation. But given that there are still lines every morning in front of New York City's Apple Stores, the former seems more a lot more likely. Thanks to several readers for the tip. |