iPad 2拆解图 图片来源:iFixit
上周三,鸿海集团(Hon Hai)主席郭台铭表示,该集团与其客户在利润率方面的差距正越来越大。鸿海集团旗下的富士康科技集团(Foxconn)一直在负责苹果(Apple)绝大部分产品的总装工作。 苹果的净利润在上一财年增长了70%,而鸿海集团的增长却少于2%。原因何在? 郭台铭在一次股东大会上向投资者们解释称,这是因为苹果的产品生产起来“非常困难”。 根据彭博社(Bloomberg)的报道,郭台铭称:“我们帮苹果赚了很多钱。” 不过这是件好事:“客户能赚到钱,我们才能赚到钱。我最害怕的就是客户们赚不到钱。” 富士康同时还在为惠普(Hewlett-Packard)、戴尔(Dell)、诺基亚(Nokia)、微软(Microsoft)和索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)等公司制造产品。 郭台铭向投资者表示,总部位于台北的富士康已经了找到了方法来提高iPad和iPhone的生产效率,未来的两个季度就能看到成效。(此消息来自The Next Web网站。) 译者:项航 |
Hon Hai chairman Terry Gou, whose Foxconn subsidiary does the final assembly on the lion's share of Apple's (AAPL) product line, addressed the growing disparity Wednesday between his profit margins and his client's. Why did Apple's net income grow 70% in its last fiscal year while Hon Hai's rose less than 2%? Because, he told investors at a shareholders meeting, Apple's products are "very difficult to make." "We've helped Apple make a lot of money," Gou said, according to a Bloomberg report. But that's a good thing: "If our customers make money, then we can also make money. I most fear customers that don't make money." Foxconn also builds products for Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Dell (DELL), Nokia (NOK), Microsoft (MSFT) and Sony Ericsson (SNE), among others. Gou told investors that his Taipei-based company has found ways to build iPads and iPhones more efficiently that should pay off in the next two quarters. Via: The Next Web |