百思买(Best Buy)的高清电视货架区。图片来源:The Consumerist
以苹果(Apple) iPad为代表的平板电脑需求强劲,不仅影响到了笔记本电脑的销量,现在还开始波及高清电视市场。 下面是市场研究公司Hudson Square Research的丹尼尔•恩斯特周三发布的一份研究报告概要。证据: • 他的每周调查显示,高清电视的单位平方英寸均价本月同比下降23.4%,跌幅高于2010年6月的18%。 • 他在拜访门店时发现电视机货架区门可罗雀,而平板电脑和智能手机货架区却人头攒动。 • 平面显示产业研究机构Display Search的数据显示,2011年第一季度全球电视机总销量仅增长0.9%,大大低于2010年的17.4%。高清电视第一季度销量同比增加8.9%,也明显低于2010年的30.9%。 恩斯特承认电视机货架区冷清部分原因可能是因为淡季的关系,而日本巨灾和美国楼市疲弱也可能是原因之一。 这也合情合理。新产品就是新产品。如果消费者能通过架在肚子上的一台500美元的平板电脑高清观看《每日秀》(The Daily Show)、《大地惊雷》(True Grit)或温布尔登网球公开赛,可能就会觉得没必要花费3,000美元为客厅购置一台55英寸的电视机。 |
Not only has strong demand for tablet computers -- led by Apple's (AAPL) iPad -- cut into notebook PC sales, but it has started to be felt in the market for high-definition televisions. That's the thrust of a note issued Wednesday by Hudson Square Research's Daniel Ernst. The evidence: • His weekly survey shows the average price per square inch of HDTVs down 23.4% year over year so far this month vs. the 18% decline he recorded in June 2010. • He's been checking the stores and observed "thin activity" in the TV aisles, compared with "strong activity" for tablets and smartphones. • Total worldwide TV unit sales were up only 0.9% in the first quarter of 2011, according to Display Search, vs. 17.4% in 2010. For HDTVs, first-quarter unit sales were up 8.9% year over year vs. 30.9% in 2010. Ernst acknowledges that the lack of activity in the TV aisles could be due in part to the time of year, and that the disaster in Japan and weak housing trends in the U.S. could also be factors. But it makes sense. A new gadget is a new gadget. And if you can watch The Daily Show or True Grit or Wimbledon in high-definition on a $500 tablet perched on your belly, you may not feel as compelled to spend $3,000 for a 55-inch TV set in your living room. |