“在运营八年后,网址为mp3.walmart.com的沃尔玛(Walmart)音乐下载商店宣布将于2011年8月28日关门大吉。届时该网站的所有内容将失效,而且也不再向用户提供下载。” 本周二,音乐资讯网站Digital Music News刊发了沃尔玛向其经销商和授权伙伴发出的相关信函。即将关闭的沃尔玛音乐下载商店在开业之初曾被誉为“iTunes杀手”,如今却黯然离去,此后几乎无人再能挑战苹果(Apple)在数字音乐领域的统治地位。目前亚马逊运营的音乐商店排行全美第二,不过与苹果相距甚远。Spotify虽在欧洲势头强劲,不过其扎根美国的尝试却几次三番受阻。 沃尔玛的策略是采用比苹果更低的价格出售下载音乐。不过正像Digital Music News指出的,仅仅10美分的差价是不够的。 “看来价格并不是音乐下载市场最重要的因素。曾几何时,沃尔玛依靠高折扣的88美分音乐被誉为‘iTunes杀手’。不过iTunes与iPod和iPhone相结合,提供了天衣无缝的用户界面;而且它还能存储信用卡信息,营造了良好的购物体验,沃尔玛的价格折扣与这些相比,简直不值一提。” 虽然沃尔玛在向经销商的信中表示,网站的所有内容到月底都将失效。不过一位公司代表向Digital Music News透露,将继续对部分老歌和受版权保护的歌曲提供支持,至少从目前来看是如此。 译者:项航 |
"After eight years in business, the Walmart Music Downloads Store located at mp3.walmart.com will close on August 28, 2011. All content in the Store will be disabled and no longer available for download from the store." So begins the certified letter sent to Walmart's (WMT) distribution and licensing partners and posted Tuesday by Digital Music News. The death of the service that was hailed as an "iTunes killer" when it launched leaves few challengers to Apple's (AAPL) domination of the digital music market. In the U.S., Amazon (AMZN) runs a distant second. Spotify has a strong following in Europe, but its efforts to get a foothold in the U.S. have been repeatedly delayed. Walmart's strategy had been to undercut Apple with cheaper downloads. But as Digital Music News notes, a dime's savings here or there was not enough. "It looks like price isn't the most important thing when it comes to music downloads. Once upon a time, Walmart was an 'iTunes-killer' with deeply-discounted, 88-cent MP3s. But discounts meant little compared to integrated iPod and iPhone integration, a superior iTunes user interface, and the tether created by stored credit cards (which Apple does well)." Although its letter to distributors warned that all content on the store would be disabled by the end of the month, a company representative told Digital Music News that older, copy-protected songs will continue to be supported -- at least for now. |