
* 著名IT博客Techcrunch的创始人迈克尔•阿灵顿正在向风险资本家转型,最近他还成立了Crunch基金(Crunch Fund),这使TechCrunch内容的可信度问题进一步复杂化。《纽约时报》知名记者大卫•卡尔对此一直予以关注。(The New York Times) * 同时,TechCrunch写手西格勒试用了亚马逊(Amazon)即将推出的7英寸Kindle电子书,该产品被称为“亚马逊Kindle”。想一睹这款电子书的仿真模型并感受其流畅的用户界面吗?请点击进入。(科技博客TechCrunch) * 似乎是为了向我们提供更多的证据,以此来证明休闲游戏的时代已经来临。有消息称,电脑及游戏设备零售商GameStop在最近的一次年度行业展会上向交易员透露,该公司将在店铺里出售iPhone、iPod和iPad。该实体店还开始对苹果iOS电脑进行折旧回收,返还店内积分。(9to5Mac) * 苹果首席设计师乔纳森•艾夫简介。【《圣荷西水星报》(San Jose Mercury News)】 * 谷歌(Google)意欲争夺智能手机第一平台的宝座,这场恶战免不了涉及一些与安卓(Android)系统有关的问题。(消费科技资讯博客The Next Web) * 令人大跌眼镜的是,最“受欢迎”、网友留言最多、被转发次数最多的Facebook个人主页居然不属于贾斯汀•比伯,而是《基督教日报》(Jesus Daily),其Facebook主页有820万名粉丝,上周的互动高达340万次之多。(The New York Times)
译者:珠珠 |
* David Carr over at The New York Times looks at TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington's path to becoming a venture capitalist and how his latest move -- Crunch Fund -- further complicates TechCrunch's editorial credibility. (The New York Times) * Meanwhile, TechCrunch writer MG Siegler got his hands on Amazon's upcoming 7-inch Kindle tablet, dubbed simply the "Amazon Kindle." For a mockup of the tablet and its Cover Flow-ish user interface, head over here. (TechCrunch) * As if we needed any more evidence that casual gaming is a tour de force, GameStop (GME) reportedly told dealers at an annual trade show recently that it'll start carrying iPhones, iPods, and iPads in-store. The brick and mortar chain also started accepting trade-ins of Apple iOS devices for store credit. (9to5Mac) * A peek at Apple's top designer, Jonathan "Jony" Ive. (San Jose Mercury News) * Some of the issues Google (GOOG) faces with Android in its battle to stay the top smartphone platform provider. (The Next Web) * Surprisingly, the most "Liked," commented on, and shared Facebook page ever does not belong to Justin Bieber but actually to the Jesus Daily, an inspirational page with 8.2 million fans who did 3.4 million interactions last week. (The New York Times) |