






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011年10月25日


封面图片:Simon & Schuster


    由沃尔特•艾萨克森执笔的《史蒂夫•乔布斯传》(Steve Jobs)原定于10月24日全球同步发售。本书可谓近几年最热门的个人传记,起码受到部分圈子的期待。但令艾萨克森、西蒙与舒斯特(Simon & Schuster)以及其他几十家购买该书先售权或再售权的出版商恼火的是,一些记者在上周四就将这本书630页的内容搞到了手。结果:新书上市之前四天开始,《史蒂夫•乔布斯传》的大量内容就遭遇疯狂泄密。


    *史蒂夫•乔布斯称生父生母只是自己的“精子和卵子库”【美联社(Associated Press)】

    *他高度赞扬了养父保罗•乔布斯的职业操守。“他喜欢把事做好。即便外人不会留意的地方,他也要做到极致。”【《纽约时报》(New York Times)书评】



    *青少年时期的乔布斯喜欢《李尔王》(King Lear),《白鲸》(Moby Dick)以及狄兰•托马斯的诗。【《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)】




    *乔布斯根本瞧不起微软公司(Microsoft)【从某种程度来说,还包括谷歌公司(Google)】的职员。在他看来,他们只不过是一群技术工匠。骨子里没有任何人性和人文素质可言。“他们不会明白其中的奥妙。即使把苹果Mac电脑放到他们面前,他们也复制不出来。”【《六十分钟时事杂志》(60 Minutes Overtime),转自科技资讯网CNET】

    *他将苹果首席设计师乔纳森•伊夫称为自己的“精神伙伴”,并称,除了自己,谁都没权利对伊夫发号施令。(据美联社报道)乔布斯的妻子劳伦•鲍威尔说:“史蒂夫生活中大部分人都可以找到替代品,但乔尼是独一无二的。”【《水星报》(Mercury News)】

    The best-laid plans of authors and publishers often go awry when the bookstores get their copies.

    Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs -- the most hotly anticipated biography in years, at least in some circles -- was supposed to have a dramatic worldwide laydown on Monday. But to the distress of Isaacson, Simon & Schuster and the dozens of publications that bought first or second serial rights, some reporters got their hands on the 630-page volume on Thursday. Result: The flood of revelations began four days early.

    Our cheat-sheet, with links to the sources (ALERT -- Multiple spoilers ahead):

    * Steve Jobs refers to his biological parents as his "sperm and egg bank" (Associated Press)

    * He had high praise for Paul Jobs' work ethic. "He loved doing things right. He even cared about the look of the parts you couldn't see." (New York Times book review)

    * He was bullied in school (AP) and learned to fight back verbally. "He could stun an unsuspecting victim with an emotional towel-snap, perfectly aimed," writes Isaacson (NYT book review)

    * He gave up Christianity at age 13 when he saw starving children on the cover of Life magazine. (AP)

    * As a teenager, he loved King Lear, Moby Dick and the poetry of Dylan Thomas (Huffington Post)

    * He was returning from an apple farm on one of his fruitarian diets when he chose the name of his company (AP)

    * He told John Sculley (the former Pepsi exec who ousted Jobs) that if he hadn't started Apple (AAPL) he might have been a poet in Paris (HuffPo)

    * He calls the crop of executives brought in to run Apple after he left "corrupt people" with "corrupt values" (AP)

    * He is contemptuous of the people at Microsoft (and, to some extent, Google), whom he sees as pure technologists, with no humanities and liberal arts in their DNA. "They just didn't get it. Even when they saw the Mac they couldn't even copy it well." (60 Minutes Overtime, via CNET)

    * He calls Apple's design chief Jonathan Ive his "spiritual partner" and says that no one but Jobs had the authority to tell him what to do. (AP) "Most people in Steve's life are replaceable," says Jobs' wife Laurene Powell. "But not Jony." (Mercury News)

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