日前,《华尔街日报》(the Wall Street Journal)载文,称社交游戏巨头Zynga使用强制手段,胁迫员工放弃此前授予他们的股票期权。本人就此发表了后续文章,认为《华尔街日报》的报道添油加醋,夸大了事态的严重性。 今天上午,我们收到了Zynga首席执行官马克•平卡斯向公司员工发出的电子邮件。虽然有很多拼写错误,但是却从根本上传达了Zynga的核心原则:“精英制度”。电邮内容如下: 致公司员工: 昨天晚上,《华尔街日报》发表了一则新闻报道(内容见下文),拿我们的精英制度大做文章,但是其描述却错误百出,存在诸多偏见。这则新闻完全是道听途说、含沙射影。尽管这种做法令我们倍感失望,但是,在我们向上市公司的目标迈进时,这也是意料中的事。 关于过去及现在的政策,我们毫无隐瞒;Zynga公司的发展遵循道德和公正原则,我为此深感骄傲。正如我曾经强调的那样——我们正在致力于打造一个全体同仁所向往的“大家庭”。 精英制度是我们的核心价值观,也是我们的口号。我们认为,每个员工都值得拥有相同的发展机遇。无论你在何时何地加入Zynga;重要的是,你能够在Zynga取得多大的成就。这是我们公平竞争文化的核心所在,也是我们最酷的地方。 希望每位员工都能把公司放在首位,为公司和个人的成功贡献自己的力量。 谢谢, 马克 译者:乔树静/汪皓 |
Earlier today the Wall Street Journal suggested that social gaming giant Zynga had strong-armed employees into giving up previously-granted stock options. I wrote a follow-up post, arguing that the WSJ made things sound much worse than they really were. Now we have obtained a related email sent by Zynga CEO Mark Pincus to company employees earlier today. Lots of typos, but a basic message of how Zynga is a "meritocracy." Here it is: Team, The wall street journal posted a story last night (copied below) which paints our meritocracy in a false and skewed light. The story is based on hearsay and innuendo which is disappointing but is to be expected as we move towards becoming a public company. We have nothing to hide in our past and present policies and I am proud of the ethical and fair way that we've built this company. As many of you have heard me say -- we're building a house that we want to live in. Being a meritocracy is one of our core values and it's on our walls. We believe that every employee deserves the same opportunity to lead. Its not about where or when you enter zynga its how far you can grow. This is what our culture of leveling up is all about and its one of our coolest features. we want everyone to put zynga first and contribute to the overall success of our company and all of you have. thanks, mark |