分析师预言Win 8将引发IT业大地震
我们都知道调研公司ACI Research首席执行官艾德•扎比斯基对苹果(Apple)的看法。他曾在今年1月致客户的报告中,将苹果目标股价定为270美元,并建议其机构客户卖空苹果。而当时苹果股价为每股450美元。 本周一,我们又了解到了扎比斯基对微软(Microsoft)的看法。 他在致客户的一份名为《雷蒙德沉睡的雄狮已经苏醒》(The Wounded Bear From Redmond Awakens.)的报告中写道:“如果这世界上有这么一个公司,懂得如何颠覆一款主流操作系统,那必定是微软。” 他用类似启示录的语言写道,即将被颠覆的操作系统正是苹果的iOS。 “让我们走进微软。Windows 8是微软自Windows 95以来所进行的第一次真正变革。它能完美支持各种基于HTML5、JavaScript、CSS3和WebGL等技术的互联网应用程序。这些程序将给微软以及整个业界带来颠覆性的变化。千万别弄错了——受影响的不仅仅只是苹果。整个智能手机及计算机生态系统都将地动山摇。” 扎比斯基的预言能否实现,我们将拭目以待。 |
We know what Ed Zabitzky thinks of Apple (AAPL). In a note issued in January, when the stock was selling for $450 a share, the CEO of ACI Research set a price target of $270 and told his institutional clients to sell it short. On Monday, we learned what he thinks of Microsoft (MSFT). "If there is one company in the world that understands how to slay a dominant operating system, it is Microsoft," he begins his latest missive, a note subtitled "The Wounded Bear From Redmond Awakens." The dominant operating system that needs slaying, he writes in language with apocalyptic overtones, is Apple's iOS: "Enter Microsoft. Windows 8 is Microsoft`s first genuine paradigm shift since Windows 95. It completely embraces web apps based upon technologies like HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, WebGL, et al. Web apps will cause a violently disruptive change for Microsoft and for the entire industry. Make no mistake -- this is not just about Apple. The entire cellphone and computing ecosystem will be shaken to the ground." This we've got to see.