iPhone 5:《时代》“年度最佳数码产品”
苹果公司(Apple)有两款产品入选《时代》杂志(Time Magazine)2012年“十大最佳数码产品”榜单:视网膜显示屏的MacBook Pro(第6位)和iPhone 5(第1位)。以下为《时代》杂志的哈里·麦克莱肯对新iPhone的点评: 苹果推动科技行业向前迈进了一大步,但是在其他公司忽视的细节问题上,苹果同样十分用心。iPhone 5——两年合约价199 美元起——堪称史上设计最精妙的产品,屏幕长度较前一代更长,同时机身更薄更轻。摄像头的全景拍照模式则是另一大亮点。目前市场上智能手机比比皆是,其中包括 iPhone强劲的竞争对手,三星(Samsung)Galaxy S III。然而,若说到硬件、软件和服务的无缝整合,没有一家公司能比肩苹果。 译者:刘进龙/汪皓 |
Two Apple (AAPL) products made Time Magazine's list of the top 10 gadgets of 2012: The Retina MacBook Pro (No. 6) and the iPhone 5 (No. 1). Here's what Time's Harry McCracken had to say about the new iPhone: Apple may be responsible for more than its share of the tech industry's great leaps forward, but it's at least as good at fussing over the tiny little details other companies ignore. The iPhone 5, which starts at $199 with a two-year contract, is one of the most artfully polished gadgets anyone's ever built, with a taller screen than previous iPhones built into a thinner, lighter case. The camera, with a particularly well-done panorama mode, is another highlight. There are lots of nifty smartphones out there, including the iPhone's impressive archrival, Samsung's Galaxy S III. But when it comes to melding hardware, software and services so tightly that the seams fade away, Apple still has no peer. |