Fortune Media Hong Kong Limited Event Registration Privacy Notice

Fortune Media Hong Kong Limited Event Registration Privacy Notice

Fortune 2024-02-02
Published On:2024-01-01

Fortune Media Hong Kong Limited (“FORTUNE HK”) runs various events and conferences from time to time to update, educate and provoke discussion amongst its readers, potential readers and industry bodies (“Events”). This privacy notice provides you with information about how FORTUNE HK uses your personal data when you register for and attend an Event run by FORTUNE HK.

How does this privacy notice relate to other privacy notices?

This privacy notice explains how we use your personal data in relation to your interest in, or attendance at, an Event run by FORTUNE HK. It supplements our Privacy Notice on our website, available here .

What personal data will be processed?

If you register with an Event App and consent to share your information with us, FORTUNE HK will receive the following information:

o your first and last name, email, image, your title, full postal, email address and or telephone number;

o any company information you’ve chosen to include in your profile.

o the sessions you’ve added to your personalized schedule;

o the points of interest (speakers, vendors, etc.) you’ve added to your to-do list;

o your general usage metrics (times of attendance, etc.);or

o Records of communications sent to you by FORTUNE HK or that we receive from you in relation to an Event you will attend/have attended.

FORTUNE HK may photograph and film the Event which will be used to market our services and to promote future events. FORTUNE HK will therefore process your image. You will be notified if we intend to photograph/film an Event, for example, in the invitation and on signs at the entrance to the Event. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed at an Event, please contact us.

What is the purpose of processing?

FORTUNE HK will process your personal data for the following purposes:

• To reserve a place for you at the event(s) you requested to attend;

• To provide you with information about the event(s) for which you have registered, such as event updates, and possible changes, cancellation or similar information;

• For general administration and organization of our events, for example to contact you with information about an event or conference that you’re exhibiting at, or attending as we need to use your details for planning and logistics, to invoice you, to provide you customer service in relation to the event, and general administration of your attendance at the event;

• To fulfil and monitor our legal responsibilities, for example, under public safety legislation;

• In accordance with your preferences, to communicate with you about other events, news, and services we provide (for example online webinars);

• To ask you for your feedback or review after an Event you have attended;

• To pass on your contact details to our logistics partners to enhance your experience at an Event you have signed up to exhibit or sponsor at;

• To assess the activity of our attendees at our Events;

• To create a delegate list (which will include your name and company,not email or telephone number), which will be shared with an Exhibitor or Sponsor at the Event;

• To film and photograph the Event which will be used to market our services and to promote future events on our website, social media channels and in marketing materials. You will be notified if we intend to photograph/film an Event, for example, in the invitation and on signs at the entrance to the Event;

• To improve our services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences;

• To plan better future events and attendee experience; and

• To facilitate post-event audience analysis.

What is the legal basis of the processing?

We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

• To perform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you.

• Based on your consent and you have the right to withdraw consent at any time by contacting us.

• Where we need to comply with a legal obligation.

To the extent that you may provide us with personal data about yourself that is sensitive, for example relating to any disability, allergies, or other dietary requirements that you have, we will process this information with your explicit consent, or if it is necessary:

• For the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;

• Very occasionally, when it is needed to protect your or another person’s vital interests and you are not capable of giving your consent (for example, in an emergency).

Who will your personal data be shared with?

Within FORTUNE HK , your personal data is shared only with those departments and staff who need access for the processing purposes set out above.

We may share some of the information with external organizations providing services for the Event you are attending, in particular we may share your information (including dietary requirements) with catering service if you are attending an Event where catering is offered. The information shared will only be used to provide the service required and will not be retained by these external organizations after the Event is concluded.

How long is your personal data kept?

We will only retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting requirements. We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation in respect to our relationship with you.

Please refer to our Privacy Notice for further information.

Third Party Apps

FORTUNE HK works with third party event app providers, such as Glue UP (“Event App”), allowing you to register for an Event, view details of the Event, download guides, browse maps, schedules and more for our Events. Please note that third-party apps or services are not owned or managed by FORTUNE HK . Please refer to the relevant App’s and Platform’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before downloading the app and/or using the Service or Platform. FORTUNE HK does not accept any responsibility or liability for third party policies or your use of a third-party app, platform or service.

Your rights in relation to your data

Details about your rights are set out in our Privacy Notice under the heading ‘How do you manage your information (data subject’s rights)”.

Our Privacy Notice also explains how to ask any questions you may have about how your personal data is used, exercise any of your rights or complain about the way your data is being handled.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy notice are welcomed and should be addressed to FORTUNE HK at fortunechina@cci.com.hk.
