帕特•沃尔茨 所在公司:ADM(Archer Daniels Midland) 职务:首席执行官 公司500强排名:122 出生于西宾夕法尼亚州的帕特•沃尔茨自幼就对商界有着浓厚的兴趣。 2006年,沃尔茨曾向《财富》杂志(Fortune)透露,“我母亲曾在学校当图书管理员,她觉得暑假是继续学习的好时节,”炎炎夏日,沃尔茨的暑假都泡在诸如亨氏(Heinz)番茄酱工厂和美国钢铁公司(U.S. Steel mill),她觉得生产过程奇妙无比。 时间很快来到1974年,沃尔茨从宾州州立大学(Penn State University)毕业并取得了会计学学位。随后她进入匹兹堡市的安永会计事务所(Ernst & Young)担任咨询师。几年后跳槽到海湾石油公司(Gulf Oil)。 1984年,海湾石油和雪佛龙(Chevron)合并之后,沃尔茨结识了很多新朋友并最终决定加入雪佛龙石油,负责公司的“下游”业务。 虽然她认为自己已经具备就任首席执行官的条件,但是要等雪佛龙当时的CEO大卫•欧雷利退休还需数年的时间,因此,她在2006年2月毅然辞掉了那份工作。 当年4月,史宾沙公司(Spencer Stuart)的汤姆•内福致电沃尔茨,商谈就任ADM公司首席执行官事宜。此后的事就人尽皆知了。 除了担任ADM公司(Archer Daniels Midland)的首席执行官,沃尔茨同时还是宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)以及美中商会(U.S.-China Business Council)董事会成员。对了,此外她还是3个孩子的母亲。 |
Patricia A. Woertz Company: Archer Daniels Midland Position: CEO Global 500 Rank: 122 Western-Pennsylvanian Patricia Woertz was interested in the corporate world from an early age. "Mom worked as a school librarian, and she felt summers were for education," Woertz told Fortune in 2006. Spending the sweaty vacation days in gems like a Heinz ketchup plant or a U.S. Steel mill, she found the production process fascinating. Fast forward to 1974. Woertz graduated from Penn State University with a degree in accounting. She became a consultant at Ernst & Young in Pittsburgh and moved to Gulf Oil several years later. After Gulf and Chevron merged in 1984, Woertz created many new contacts and eventually made a move to Chevron, taking charge of the company's "downstream" operation. Ready for a CEO position, but realizing that then-Chevron CEO David O'Reilly was several years from retiring, she stepped down from her position in February 2006. The following April, Tom Neff of Spencer Stuart called Woertz and discussed a CEO opportunity at ADM. The rest is history. As CEO, Woertz has led ADM while serving on the boards of directors of Procter & Gamble and the U.S.-China Business Council. Oh, and she's a mother to three children. |