



 作者: Colleen Leahey    时间: 2011年06月28日    来源: 财富中文网
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    高管猎头公司光辉国际(Korn/Ferry International)副总裁丹尼斯•凯利认为,在未来三到五年内,将会有新的高管职位出现。他表示,公司正面临“严峻的挑战”,“在某些情况下,甚至是史无前例的挑战”。

    约翰•伍德也赞同这种观点。他是另外一家高管猎头公司海德思哲(Heidrick & Struggles)的副总裁兼全球执行股东,负责CEO与董事会业务。他表示:“[一些公司]得出的结论是,这些[新]领域的工作内容证明了创建新职位的合理性;这颠覆了专业人才应该由通才来管理的传统。”




    《财富》500强(Fortune 500)公司中,至少有五家意识到这种需求,并因此设立了一个新的高管职位——首席创新官,以应对全新的挑战。比如近期,百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)的CIO米克尔•达勒姆创建了一个“社交网络自动售货机系统”(Social Vending System)。利用这一系统,顾客只需摁一下按键,就能为朋友购买一瓶汽水,不论他们身处世界的何方。













    部分《财富》500强公司,比如IBM和宝洁公司(Proctor & Gamble),已经意识到,公司需要一位“秘密守护者”,于是便设立了首席隐私官职位。目前,隐私泄密状况日益严重,且数据盗窃的手法日益高明,越来越多的公司都将设立这一职位。











    翻译 刘进龙

    The C-Suite is in bad need of a facelift. As technology advances, regulations change, and cultural norms shift, traditional, high-level positions are showing their wrinkles.

    Dennis Carey, vice chairman of executive search firm Korn/Ferry International, believes several new C-Suite titles will be created in the next three to five years. Companies are facing "an onslaught of challenges," he says, "which in some cases have no historical precedent."

    John Wood, vice chairman and global managing partner of the CEO and board practice at Heidrick & Struggles, another executive search firm, agrees. "[Some companies] have come to the conclusion that the content of these [new] areas justifies the creation of new titles, eclipsing the tried and true notion that specialists should be reporting to the generalists."

    In light of this transformation, Fortune talked to Carey and Wood and created a list of the seven executives that will round out the new C-Suite. It remains to be seen if these new titles will stick or see the light of day. Regardless, the "transformation to a new C-Suite structure is not here yet," says Carey. "But it is coming."

Chief Innovation Officer

    Companies have always needed innovation. They cannot thrive without new ideas, new products, and new services. But with the rise of the Internet and the emergence of social media, they are now faced with a new breed of challenges on how to engage their customers.

    At least five firms in the Fortune 500 saw these needs and created a new executive role -- chief innovation officer -- to find solutions for those new challenges. A recent example: PepsiCo's CIO, Mikel Durham, created a "Social Vending System." With the push of a button, customers can buy a soda for a friend who lives across the world.

    As technology expands and barriers between customers and companies crumble, chief innovation officers will be the keys to keeping those barriers down and customer interest high.

Chief Cloud Officer

    Cloud computing, aka the "hard drive in the sky," is going to cause yet another major shift in the way we work and live. Data will no longer live on individual desktops or laptops; it will be stored on an outside server waiting to be called up on demand.

    In the next few years, Carey sees companies creating the new position of chief cloud officer. As more important and private data is stored and shared in the cloud, it will need to be managed, monitored, and protected.

    Some CCO responsibilities will overlap with those of a chief information officer, Carey says, but the inevitable growth of the cloud will create the additional need for this executive at any company that wants to keep its information safe.

Chief Risk Officer

    In the crisis of 2008, many financial companies struggled to cope with the messes they faced. Looking to outside consultants for help, they slowly got back on their feet, and many realized the need for a chief risk officer.

    "Ten percent of Fortune 500 companies now have a chief risk officer, double from what it was less than a decade ago," says Carey. Rather than allowing executives to gamble when making business decisions, a CRO analyzes the risks and determines if the moves are advisable. CROs also help manage the consequences of a risk gone awry, as well as ensure that business decisions adhere to new and stricter regulations.

    Reporting directly to the CEO, the chief risk officer has great clout in the decision-making process of the company. According to Carey, CROs used to report to CFOs. But as the economic downdraft worsened, they were given more power, giving the title even more value within the C-Suite.

Chief Privacy Officer

    From health records to financial records, the private data of a company is guarded by a chief privacy officer. Both employees and employers are protected by this executive.

    The position has the responsibility of making sure a firm adheres to federal privacy laws and regulations, while maximizing the privacy rights of employees. Workers can also turn to a CPO to learn about their company's personal privacy laws concerning their data.

    A number of Fortune 500 companies -- such as IBM and Proctor & Gamble -- have realized the need for a gatekeeper and have created CPO positions. As privacy breaches grow and thieves become more clever in breaching personal and business data, many more companies are following suit.

Chief Social Media Officer

    LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook: Social media has become more important to a company's brand than anyone could have imagined. John Wood believes a chief social media officer will be essential to many companies in the next three to five years -- if not sooner.

    A CSMO would not only produce content for social media sites, but he or she would also train employees on how to use the platforms. In order to keep a company's brand intact and private data from being tweeted or posted to an employee's Facebook page, the CSMO would also educate workers on what is and is not appropriate to share.

Chief Talent Officer

    Human resources consultants have been chanting the same mantra for years: Hire from within. Instead of looking outside a company for successors to high-ranking positions, many heads of human resources are now realizing they can mine for top talent from their own ranks.

    With that new focus, Wood believes a Chief Talent Officer will become a staple of the future C-Suite. CTOs look within a company for skilled workers who are great candidates to succeed in top positions. A CTO then helps employees fine-tune their skills over time, grooming them for success so they can rise to the top.

Chief Perception Officer

    During the financial crisis of 2008, corporate America took a beating in the media, forcing many companies to reevaluate and reshape the way the public saw them.

    A new focus on strategy has created the need for a chief perception officer. It is not a reactive role, but a proactive one, in which the CPO works with the CEO to assess decisions before they're made, to see how they may affect the company's reputation.

    In the end, the CPO is the standard bearer for a company's image to ensure that its values and those of its customers remain in line.




@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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