



 作者: Colleen Leahey    时间: 2011年09月02日    来源: 财富中文网
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    我将鼠标向下一拉,电脑上出现了一整页“欲望清单”:“我想到小星星披萨店(Little Star Pizza)里吃深盘披萨。”“我想到American Cupcake蛋糕店去吃胡罗卜蛋糕。”“我想到Asellina餐厅吃奶酪。”时间到了正午,我的肚子也开始咕咕叫了。



    Spoondate成立于美国旧金山,它的创始人瑞莎•内比是华尔街资深人士,由于需要频繁出差,因此她很多时候只能一个人孤零零地吃饭。在一次出差的时候,内比在一家餐厅吃饭,一个人点了好几道菜,郁郁寡欢地吃了饭,还要一个人负担整顿饭的费用。“一个人吃饭实在太郁闷了,”她说。三年后,她结束了在法国某烹饪学校的工作,从500创投(500 Startups)和Initio Group等风投机构那里拉到了种子基金,创立了Spoondate,旨在给孤单的老饕们找个伴儿。

    不过给吃货们牵线搭桥的并非只有Spoondate一家。Spoondate预定于美国劳动节(九月的第一个星期一——译注)之后的第一周正式上线,将与GrubWithUs.com和HowAboutWe.com展开针锋相的竞争。这两家网站也是旨在通过主打“活动牌”,以消除在线交友的尴尬。交友网站的竞争已经日趋激烈,除了行业三巨头eHarmony.com, Match.com和Plentyoffish.com之外,现在市面上还有很多专门针对特定群体的小众交友网站。比如基于宗教的Jdate.com;基于年龄的Seniorpeoplemeet.com;基于性别的Manhunt.net和Ashleymadison.com等。





    I'm guiding my cursor down a page of cravings: "I'm craving deep dish at Little Star Pizza." "I'm craving carrot cupcakes at American Cupcake." "I'm craving oh-so-creamy burrata at Asellina Ristorante." It's nearly noon; my stomach yelps.

    This isn't a restaurant recommendation or recipe web site, though. It's Spoondate, a new online dating network for foodies.

    It works like this: users sign in using their Facebook account and sketch a profile of themselves based on culinary preferences. Basic questions and prompts include 'With a $25 meal allowance, I would...,' 'My food personality is...,' 'In addition to food, I enjoy...' At the top of the page a big box asks, "What are you craving?" These cravings are similar to Facebook's status updates. Other users can comment on cravings (Yum!, Crave It!) or simply use them to break the ice and potentially meet up to satiate appetites.

    The San Francisco-based Spoondate is the creation of Raissa Nebie, a Wall Street veteran who is no stranger to business trips peppered with lonely meals. During one of those trips, Nebie enjoyed several courses at a restaurant, companionless, only to have the owner pick up the check for the entire the meal -- out of pity. "It's depressing to eat alone," she recalls. Three years later, after a stint at culinary school in France, she's got seed funding from 500 Startups and the Initio Group to try to help out other lonely diners across the country.

    Spoondate won't be alone, though. The site, which is slated to launch the week after Labor Day, will compete directly with GrubWithUs.com and HowAboutWe.com, both of which aim to take the awkwardness out of online dating with an activity-friendly premise. The site is launching in the midst of a plethora of niche dating sites. Networks based on religion (Jdate.com), age (Seniorpeoplemeet.com) and sex (Manhunt.net, Ashleymadison.com) have flourished to supplement industry giants eHarmony.com, Match.com and Plentyoffish.com.

    David Evans, the editor of OnlineDatingPost.com, says the top five U.S. sites attract the lion's share of users and revenue. The venture-backed eHarmony.com is reported to throw off about $250 million in annual revenue for instance. Smaller sites, meanwhile, find themselves having to pay to buy ads to maintain user bases of just 30,000 to 40,000, according to Evans. But that doesn't mean fledgling sites can't pay off for investors. Earlier this year, Okcupid.com, started in 2004 using quirky surveys and polls to attract users, was acquired by Match.com owner IAC/InterActiveCorp (IACI) for $50 million.

    For now, Spoondate is focused on building an audience. Nebie and her team of three intend to closely monitor all posted cravings, ensuring that they are referencing real food and real places in a bid to maintain quality and defend against spam. (The site will start in San Francisco and expand virally from there.) They are also counting on their fresh idea and the site's broad appeal for growth. Users can use it to find a casual date or a platonic meal partner. And the wealth of information about users' eating habits and favorite restaurants could lead to a lucrative location-targeted or deals-based advertising model.

    But despite a clever premise and a clean design, Spoondate is still missing one big feature: a success story. Of the 1,000 people using a beta version of the site over the past few months, only 30 or so serially update their cravings. Of those, just three have actually gone on Spoondates. All ended in "food friendship," according to Nebie. If Spoondate hopes to grow, it's going to have to lead to more than a few long-term engagements.



@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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