* If you haven't heard of Huawai (pronounced "WAH-wey"), you will soon enough. The Chinese manufacturer is the world's second-biggest maker of telecom-network equipment and ninth-largest seller of mobile devices. The goal: become one of the top three mobile-phone brands by 2015 by building smartphones for lower-income consumers. (The Wall Street Journal)
* Yesterday, Google (GOOG) announced changes to search engine results that will pull and promote content from its social network, Google+. Techcrunch columnist MG Siegler believes the move isn't completely unlike when Microsoft (MSFT) bundled Internet Explorer with Windows and argues it could be cause for antitrust concerns. (parislemon)
* Facebook began rolling out ads in the News Feed. Unlike Sponsored Story ads on the right-hand side, these ads will be marked as "Featured," which could initially lead to confusion with some users. (TechCrunch)
* CNNMoney writer Julianne Pepitone got some hands-on time with Nintendo's next-generation console, the Wii U, at C.E.S. (CNNMoney)
* The controversy continues for Olympus (OCPNY), which is suing 19 current and former executives and board members for nearly $50 million over a conspiracy to hide financial losses. One of those execs is company president Shuichi Takayama. (The New York Times)
* Amazon (AMZN) is the first retail partner to team up with UltraViolet, a digital distribution system that lets users stream movies to computers, tablets, and smartphones from the company's selection. Neither company disclosed what Amazon's role will be, though The Verge predicts the e-commerce giant may begin selling UltraViolet-friendly movies without the need to buy a physical disc. (The Verge)
* Kodak is suing Apple (AAPL) and HTC, claiming the companies infringed upon digital photo-related technologies, including photo sharing and image previews. (Bloomberg)