

Larry Cheng 2011年11月25日





    The majority often rules, but that doesn't mean the majority is right.

    The most poignant example comes from a premier venture capital firm I once worked for. One of the opportunities it gave its investment professionals was to invest personally and on a discretionary basis in each round of each financing the firm participated in. You didn't have to invest, or you could "max out," or you could do anything in between. There was a maximum amount you could put into each round based on your level in the firm.

    Most interestingly, after each financing round closed, they would publish to the entire investment team how much each person invested for their discretionary investment in that round. There is no better way to tell how a person feels about an investment than to see the size of their personal check. It was the most honest moment of the entire investment discussion. There were certainly cases when everyone in the firm maxed out their personal investment (e.g. the "max out scenario"). And, there was a similar frequency of cases when nearly everyone didn't participate except the individual partner sponsoring the deal (e.g. the "zero out" scenario). These decisions were always made after individuals would talk to each other behind the scenes to discuss how much they were going to put into each investment – they were rarely made in isolation.

    What I learned from watching these personal investment decisions made over and over again was somewhat surprising. A great predictor of failure for an investment was when the max out scenario took place. If everyone loved a deal and backed up the truck on their personal investment, it was more than likely to not succeed. In fact, those deals often failed in quick fashion. The inverse was surprisingly true as well. More often than not, for those investments where the zero out scenario took place, they often became successes – sometimes the biggest successes. At the other firms I have worked at, various forms of this experiment have taken place and this observation holds true through different economic times, different investments, and different firms.

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