就像约会一样,有的人对你的喜欢溢于言表,有的人则全无兴趣。最烦人的就是那些模棱两可的家伙(不幸的是,大多数风投恰好就是这种做派)。下面我会告诉你风投对你不感兴趣的种种迹象。如果发现这些迹象,你就可以放弃了,别再浪费时间去追逐他们: 1. 会面结束时没有提出下一步的计划。 对你感兴趣的风投通常在会面结束时会提出具体的后续步骤。比如:“这周晚些时候和其它合伙人见个面怎么样?”或者“周三前我会和你联系,跟进讨论我所需要的数据和后续步骤。” 如果不感兴趣,风投就不会给出具体提议,而只是泛泛而谈,比如“我们一定会保持联系,我很欣赏你们,也很欣赏你们的想法。”说得好听,但其实是拒绝你了。 2. 不停索要数据,但没有任何个人跟进。 最含糊的情形就是索要数据但却没有进一步的会面。有时候这是合理的要求,风投经理需要用数据来鼓动合伙人来支持你的公司。但不幸的是,常常也有人只是想盗取你的经验,而没有真正的投资兴趣。小心那些反复索要数据,却从不提出进一步会面或者明确步骤的家伙。如果碰到这种无赖,挥一挥衣袖,别再给他任何内部消息。 3. 只有初级助理和你接洽。 在合伙人参与会面前,有些公司会让助理筛选投资交易。如果你从一开始就能和合伙人直接联系,你应该保持联系。如果不幸被转手给助理,而会面后也没有合伙人和你联系,那么这家风投对你确实不感兴趣。 4. 未能及时回复电邮。 如果风投对你感兴趣,她会优先回复你的电邮。也就是说大多数时候你会当天收到回复。如果她总是拖到一周后才回邮件,那她对你确实不感兴趣。 5. 没有试图向你推销她的公司。 在会面的最后5分钟里,如果风投没有试图向你推销她的公司,或者为你提供引荐或其它帮助,那她对你确实不感兴趣。 埃拉德•吉尔是地理定位服务公司Mixer Labs的共同创始人兼首席执行官,该公司已被Twitter收购(Elad Gil现任Twitter战略顾问)。 |
It's just like in dating, some people are obviously into you, some clearly not. But it is the ambiguous people who are the killer (and unfortunately, often the majority of VCs). Below are some signs a VC just isn't that into you. If you see them, you may want to drop the VC from consideration and not waste precious cycles chasing them down: 1. Does not suggest next steps at the end of your meeting. A VC who is interested in your company will usually define specific next steps at the end of the meeting. For example: "Why don't I get you together with 2-3 of my other partners later this week?" or "I will follow up with you quickly by Wednesday and we can discuss the data I need and next steps." An uninterested VC will not suggest anything tangible to happen but will talk more in vague generalities like "We should definitely keep in touch on this - I love you guys and your model." This is a no, even though it sounds sort of like a yes. 2. Makes endless data requests, without any in-person follow up set up. The most ambiguous situation is the data request without any further in-person meetings. In some cases, this is a legitimate request so the VC can quote data to get their partners interested in backing your company. Unfortunately, it's also often be a way for a VC to learn of your experiences without any real investment interest. Beware of multiple data requests without any future meetings or clear next steps defined! If this happens, you should stop sending inside information to this troll and move on. 3. Only has you deal with a junior associate. Some firms use associates to screen their deals before a partner meets with your company. If you can get to a partner directly from day one, you should. If you are passed on to an associate and never hear from a partner after meeting with the associate, the VC just isn't that into you. 4. Is not responsive to your emails. If a VC is into you she will prioritize your emails for reply. This means you should hear back on most emails within the same day. If it takes a VC more then a week to reply to most of your emails, she just isn't that into you. 5. Does not try to sell you on her firm. If the VC does not spend the last 5 minutes trying to sell you on her firm, or offer introductions or help, she may not be that into you. Elad Gil was co-founder and CEO of Mixer Labs, which was acquired by Twitter (where he currently serves as a strategy advisor). |