中国富豪60%有移民倾向 美国成首选
今年早些时候,在调查中国富豪方面最有发言权的胡润百富公司(Hurun Report)宣布,它所调查的中国富豪中有超过60%的人已经移民到其他国家,或者正在考虑移民。 胡润百富公司每年都会公布中国富豪排行榜,它所面临的问题就是要探寻上述现象背后的答案。究竟是环境污染、对于中国政治高压的厌倦还是完全由于其它方面的因素驱使富人们要离开中国呢? 其实,这些问题也在困扰着胡润百富公司的创始人胡润。他猜测可能性最大的原因是,环境污染和希望把部分资产配置在海外的想法正在驱使中国有钱人移民到美国、加拿大和澳大利亚这三个中国移民首选的目的国。 但为了找到确切答案,胡润展开了一项跟踪调查,此项调查的结果将于今天公布,《财富》亦获得了这份调查结果的独家预览版。胡润百富公司联合汇加顾问集团(Visas Consulting Group)向141位中国富豪征询了一系列关于移民和财富转移目的地的问题。研究人员发现,主要有三大因素驱使富豪们移民国外,且每个因素在答复响应中都占据了20%的比重。 富人们离开中国是因为他们希望子女能够接受更好教育;困扰着很多中国城市且日益严重的污染问题让他们苦恼不已;他们也对中国的食品安全问题感到忧心忡忡,新近爆发的食品安全恐慌甚至涉及遭到污染的宠物狗零食。 胡润说:“在针对个体的调查过程中,这些问题都是他们所反复提及的。” 也许最令人惊讶的是,在那些正在移民或正考虑移民的富豪中,有三分之二的人也正在考虑放弃自己的中国国籍。 正如我在三月份的一篇文章中所写到的,就像北京正在摆脱冬季雾霾的笼罩一样,那些有能力避开中国环境污染和食品安全恐慌的人们也在做着相同的事情。中国政府对这个问题感到颇为棘手,因为有专家推断,中国的空气质量出现显著改善至少需要十年时间,而解决食品安全或教育体制问题更不知要等到何年何月。 胡润的这份调查报告还得出了其它一些有意思的结论。中国富豪海外投资占总资产的平均比重为16%。房地产是最受欢迎的投资选择,作为移民首选国家的美国在受青睐程度上远远超出了其它国家。洛杉矶成为了最受欢迎的海外置业城市,紧随其后的是旧金山和纽约。温哥华在最受欢迎的移民城市中排在第三位。独立别墅是中国富豪移民们最偏爱的住宅类型,其次是公寓和连栋别墅。 所有被调查对象的资产价值都超过了100万美元,平均财富价值达到了700万美元。 中国富豪们的首选移民目的地如下图所示(从上至下依次为美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、欧洲、新西兰、新加坡、香港和日本): |
Earlier this year, the best company at surveying the rich in China announced that more than 60% of the people it surveyed had already immigrated to another country, or were considering doing so. The question for the Hurun Report, which publishes an annual China rich list, was why? Was pollution driving people abroad, weariness over China’s political crackdowns, or something else entirely? It turns out the questions also nagged Rupert Hoogewerf, founder of Hurun. At the time, his best guess was that pollution and the desire to park some assets abroad were driving rich Chinese to the United States, Canada, and Australia—the top three destinations for those leaving China. But to find out for sure, he conducted a follow-up survey that is being released today, and Fortune got exclusive early access. Hurun teamed with Visas Consulting Group to ask 141 wealthy Chinese questions about emigration and where they’re moving their money. The researchers discovered that three factors drove emigration from China, with each factor accounting for 20% of the responses: People moved because they wanted better options for their children’s education; they were distressed about the growing pollution problems plaguing China’s cities; and they were concerned about food safety in the country, which in the latest scare involved tainted dog treats. “Again and again, when talking to people on an individual basis, those are the issues they raise,” says Hoogewerf. Maybe most surprising, two-thirds of those emigrating, or considering doing so, are also considering giving up their Chinese nationality. As I wrote in March, just as Beijing was coming out of the throes of a smoggy winter, those who can avoid China’s pollution and food scares are doing so. It’s troublesome for the Chinese government because experts conclude that big improvements to the air remain at least a decade away, not to say anything about China’s food safety or its education system. The Hurun survey produced other interesting results. As a percentage of their total wealth, rich Chinese invest on average 16% abroad. The most popular investment choice is real estate and the U.S. is the overwhelming favorite destination. Los Angeles ranks as the most popular city to buy real estate, followed by San Francisco and New York. Vancouver ranked as the third most popular city. Detached villas were the preferred type of housing, followed by apartments and townhouses. Those surveyed all had assets worth more than $1 million and on average were worth $7 million. The top destinations for rich emigrating from China are as follows: |
在任何国家,最富有的公民肯定也是流动性最强的公民,因此中国富人们的“出逃”其实没什么好惊奇的。但不同于富有的美国人为了避税而逃离本国,中国的有钱人是为了满足洁净的空气、干净的食物和良好的教育这些基本需求而选择离开。如果中国政府无法解决这些问题,中国富豪们的逃离风潮就不会停止。(财富中文网) 译者:徐黄兆 |
The wealthiest citizens in any country are the most mobile, so the flight of wealthy Chinese isn’t in itself a surprise. But unlike rich Americans fleeing their home country to avoid taxes, the Chinese are leaving because of basic desires—clean air, clean food, good schools. If China’s government doesn’t improve these, the flight of China’s wealthiest residents won’t stop. |