12:作为恢复邦交的成果之一,两国将放宽12类不同的旅行限制,据《纽约时报》报道,放宽后的规定将允许美国人到古巴进行探亲和官方访问,以及从事新闻采访和教育工作等,但是依然禁止观光旅游。 18个月:据《纽约时报》的消息称,在加拿大的斡旋下,两国举行了一系列“秘密会谈”,历时18个月,终于促成美国总统奥巴马与古巴总统卡斯特罗的会晤。 25%:原糖出口占古巴经济总产值的百分比。据麻省理工学院的经济复杂性研究中心统计,精炼石油占古巴总产值的15%、镍锍占14%、辊压烟草占14%和烈酒占6.7%。古巴最重要的5大出口国是中国、西班牙、巴西、比利时和卢森堡以及意大利。 50年:美国和古巴在过去50年无正常外交关系,两国领导人将于12月17日再次会晤。 682.3亿:世界银行(World Bank)的数据显示,古巴国内生产总值为682.3亿美元,该国总人口为1,126万。 2.64亿:根据《纽约时报》的报道,在帮助古巴推进民主化的进程中,美国政府通过美国国际开发署在当地投入了2.64亿美元的资金。 400:根据媒体报道,现在美国公民可以携带400美元进入古巴,而之前只能带100美元。 5年:美国承包商格罗斯在古巴被关押的时间。格罗斯供职于发展选择公司,据称,该公司与美国国际开发署签订了一份600万美元的合同。古巴方面曾指控格罗斯向古巴犹太社区提供卫星电话及计算机设备。 2000:奥巴马总统决定放宽古巴侨民的汇款限制,从原来的每三个月500美元上升到2,000美元。(财富中文网) 译者:南风 审校:Patti |
12: The different types of travel restrictions to be eased as a result of the restored ties, including family visits and official visits as well as journalistic and education work, according to The New York Times. Tourism, however, will reportedly remain prohibited. 18: The months of “secret talks” that were hosted by Canada and which led to President Barack Obama to meet with Cuban President Raul Castro, according to The New York Times. 25: The percentage of Cuba’s economy that goes to exporting raw sugar. That’s followed by 15% refined petroleum, 14% nickel mattes, 14% rolled tobacco and 6.7% hard liquor, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity, which is run by MIT. The top five export locations are China (30%), Spain (11%), Brazil (5.1%), Belgium-Luxembourg (5%) and Italy (3.2%). 50: The number of years that passed between the U.S. and Cuba before talking once more on Dec. 17. 68.23: The number of dollars in billions that Cuba’s GDP is worth, according to the World Bank. The country also has a population of 11.26 million. 264: The number of dollars in millions that the U.S. government has spent in Cuba through the U.S. Agency for International Development to aid democracy in Cuba, The New York Times reported. 400: The number of dollars that U.S. travelers can import from Cuba. That’s up from $100 previously, according to media reports. 5: The numbers of years American contractor Gross was held captive in a Cuban prison. He worked for Development Alternatives which reportedly held a $6 million contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development. The country accused Gross of crimes related to bringing satellite phones and computer equipment to Cuba’s Jewish community. 2,000: The number of dollars that President Obama will allow to be sent to Cuban nationals every three months. That’s up from just $500. |