许多行业一直由男性主宰,但几百年来一些强大的女性并未屈服现状,下面是史上最富有的八位女性和她们的突出成就,可以多学习她们的精神。 奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey) 美国名人财富统计网站CelebrityNetWorth称,传媒巨头温弗瑞个人身家估计达32亿美元。她出身寒微,从小在一个农场长大,连下水管道都没有,而且童年饱受虐待。 温弗瑞下定决心改变人生,第一步是当上田纳西州首府纳什维尔市WTVF-TV频道最年轻的新闻主播,也是当地第一位非裔女主播。那年她才19岁。最终,她拥有了自己的脱口秀节目“奥普拉脱口秀”,热播长达25年。 2011年,“奥普拉脱口秀”停播后,温弗瑞成立了“奥普拉·温弗瑞电视网”。现年63岁的温弗瑞近年主要制作剧情片,拍摄了《塞尔玛》(Selma)、《白宫管家》(Lee Daniels' The Butler)等。 “埃及艳后”克莱奥帕特拉(Cleopatry) 人称“尼罗河女王”的克莱奥帕特拉于公元前30年8月12日香消玉殒,她的传奇人生却流传至今。克莱奥帕特拉是托勒密王朝的末代女王,虽然统治埃及却几乎没有埃及血统。 据传记《埃及艳后》(Cleopatra: A Life),克莱奥帕特拉是史上最富有的女性之一,个人资产净值约有958亿美元。她会说多达12种语言,是人们心中最聪明、最有魅力的人物。 克莱奥帕特拉自视为活在凡尘的女神,也常利用美貌智慧达到个人目的。传说她曾命人以地毯或亚麻袋裹着自己,偷偷送入罗马皇帝尤里乌斯·凯撒的营帐。 克莱奥帕特拉勇猛无畏,曾率领几十艘埃及战舰投入战斗,在凯撒死后嫁给了他麾下的名将马克·安东尼。夫妇二人还成立了一个饮酒会 ,名叫“无双居士”(Inimitable Livers)。 安妮·考克斯·钱伯斯 考克斯·钱伯斯可不只是女继承人那么简单。她97岁高龄还在坐镇家族企业考克斯报业公司的董事会。安妮·钱伯斯的家业由父亲詹姆斯.M.考克斯于1898年亲手缔造,最初经营报业,现在领域拓展至通讯、传媒和汽车服务企业等。 钱伯斯曾任美国驻比利时大使,还拥有法国荣誉军团勋位。据《福布斯》估算,这位传媒女巨头拥有170亿美元身家。 钱伯斯2016年被《福布斯》评为亚特兰大首富,而且热心慈善。早在上世纪80年代,钱伯斯就将从父亲名下信托获得的部分收入捐给慈善组织。该信托2015年解散时,旗下资金全部分给32家慈善机构。 阿比盖尔·约翰逊(Abigail Johnson) 1946年,阿比盖尔·约翰逊的祖父成立了富达管理研究公司。如今她作为家族第三代执掌公司帅印,担任董事长兼首席执行官。截至2016年6月30日,公司管理的客户资产规模高达5.4万亿美元。 和许多承袭父业的高管不同,约翰逊靠着个人努力一步步向上。高中和大学时,她就兼任富达的客户服务代表。1988年她成为公司的全职员工,在跻身高管层以前做过共同基金经理。 约翰逊毕业于哈佛大学。《福布斯》估算,她的个人资产净值为147亿美元。她被评为2016年马萨诸塞州首富。 梅琳达·盖茨 1994年与微软联合创始人比尔·盖茨成婚以来,慈善家梅琳达·盖茨一直在努力推动世界进步。2016年,她被《福布斯》评为全世界影响力第四的女性,和丈夫共享净值856亿美元的财富,夫妇二人是全球名列前茅的巨富。 2000年,杜克大学毕业的梅琳达与丈夫共同成立了比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会,目前担任基金会的联席主席。该基金会致力于帮助世界各地的民众过上健康富足的生活,截至2015年12月31日,其募得资金达396亿美元。 为了推动其他亿万富豪回馈社会,盖茨夫妇和“股神”沃伦·巴菲特共同发起了劝募善款活动“捐赠誓言”,鼓励全球巨富阶层人士将一半以上的个人财富捐给慈善机构,或者订立捐赠财富的遗嘱。 莉莉安·贝滕科特(Liliane Bettencourt) 莉莉安·贝滕科特身家391亿美元,是当之无愧的全球女首富。她的父亲欧仁·舒莱尔1907年创立了全世界最大的化妆品公司欧莱雅集团。 《福布斯》称,截至2016年5月,欧莱雅的市值达到1029亿美元。贝滕科特和子女共持有欧莱雅33%的股权。不过2012年她罹患老年痴呆症让出了欧莱雅董事会席位,由孙子接替。 贝滕科特平生大多远离公众视野,直到2015年八名对她行骗的男子被判诈骗罪才引发关注。其中一名罪犯、摄影师弗朗索瓦·马里·巴尼耶供认,十年间他曾向疾病缠身的贝滕科特骗取巨额礼物,价值超过10亿美元。 萨拉·布莱克利 1998年,萨拉·布莱克利想穿白色的长裤去派对,却找不到合适的内衣搭配,于是她自己动手做了一身。受这段经历启发,2000年她成立塑身内衣公司Spanx,书写了人生新篇章。 当年布莱克靠上门推销传真机攒下的5000美元创业。如今,她成为时尚界巨头,个人资产净值达到10亿美元,而且保持对公司百分百控股。她和丈夫杰西·伊特兹勒都是NBA亚特兰大老鹰队的股东。 尽管成就惊人,Spanx的创始人布莱克一直保持亲民形象。她是第一位加入盖茨夫妇和巴菲特所倡导“捐赠誓言”的女亿万富豪。她还在经营支持女性企业家的项目Leg Up,名下萨拉·布莱克利基金会已向全球各地的慈善组织捐出数百万美元。 周群飞 2016年,《福布斯》将周群飞评为全球白手起家的女首富,她的人生就是从赤贫到巨富的奋斗史。周群飞是移动设备屏幕生产商蓝思科技的创始人兼首席执行官,目前个人资产净值约为74亿美元。 16岁那年,周群飞辍学进一家生产手表屏幕的工厂打工,后来成立生产手机和平板电脑的玻璃屏的蓝思科技,客户包括苹果和三星等大牌。据报道,截至2015年全球21%的手机屏幕都由蓝思科技制造。 2015年,蓝思科技在深交所上市。周群飞是公司大股东,持有81%的股权。(财富中文网) 作者:Laura Woods 译者:Pessy 审校:夏林 |
Many aspects of life are often viewed as a man's domain, but powerful women have refused to accept the status quo for centuries. Get inspired by learning about eight of the richest women in history and their outstanding achievements. OPRAH WINFREY She's now a media mogul with an estimated fortune of $3.2 billion, according to CelebrityNetWorth, but Oprah Winfrey came from humble beginnings. Raised on a farm without indoor plumbing, Winfrey suffered serial abuse as a child. Determined to change her life, she became the youngest person and first African-American woman news anchor at WTVF-TV in Nashville, Tenn., when she was just 19 years old. Eventually, she landed her own talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show," which ran for 25 years. In 2011 — the same year her talk show ended — she launched the Oprah Winfrey Network. The 63-year-old has also worked on several feature films in recent years, including "Selma" and "Lee Daniels' The Butler." CLEOPATRA Known as the "Queen of the Nile," Cleopatra died Aug.12, 30 B.C., but her legend lives on. Despite being the last queen of the Macedonian dynasty that ruled Egypt, she had faint — if any — Egyptian roots. Also one of the richest women in history, her net worth was an estimated $95.8 billion, according to the book "Cleopatra: A Life." Largely considered one of the smartest, most fascinating people of all time, Cleopatra spoke as many as a dozen different languages. She considered herself a living goddess and used this to her advantage. Legend has it she once smuggled herself into Julius Caesar's personal quarters in a carpet or linen sack. Brave and bold, she led several dozen Egyptian warships into battle while married to Mark Antony. The couple created their own drinking society called the Inimitable Livers. ANNE COX CHAMBERS(Anne Cox Chambers) More than just an heiress, Anne Cox Chambers continues to sit on the board of her family business — Cox Enterprises — at the age of 97. Established as a newspaper business by her father, James M. Cox, in 1898, the privately held company has interests in communications, media and automotive services. Once the U.S. ambassador to Belgium, Chambers also holds the French Legion of Honor title. Forbes estimates the media baroness' net worth at $17 billion. Deemed the richest person in Atlanta by Forbes in 2016, Chambers is a billionaire with a charitable heart. She started donating portions of her income from a trust established by her father to charity in the 1980s, and by the time it was dissolved in 2015, all proceeds from the trust were being distributed to 32 groups. ABIGAIL JOHNSON In 1946, Abigail Johnson's grandfather founded Fidelity Management & Research Company. Today, she's the third-generation family member to helm the firm. As chairman and CEO of the company, Johnson presides over $5.4 trillion in customer assets as of June 30, 2016. Unlike many legacy executives, Johnson has worked her way to the top. In high school and college, she served as a Fidelity customer service representative. She joined the company full-time in 1988, working as mutual fund manager, before entering the executive suite. A Harvard grad, Johnson's net worth is an estimated $14.7 billion, according to Forbes. As of 2016, she was the richest person in Massachusetts. MELINDA GATES(Melinda Gates) Married to Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates since 1994, Melinda Gates is a philanthropist intent on changing the world for the better. Named the fourth most powerful woman in the world by Forbes in 2016, Gates shares her husband's $85.6 billion net worth, making them the richest people in the world. A graduate of Duke University, she co-founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 and currently serves as co-chair. Created to help people around the globe enjoy healthy, productive lives, the foundation trust endowment totaled $39.6 billion as of Dec. 31, 2015. Also intent on inspiring other billionaires to give back, she established the Giving Pledge along with her husband and fellow entrepreneur Warren Buffett. The pledge encourages the wealthiest people in the world to give more than half of their fortune to charity during their lifetime or to set the funds aside in their will. LILIANE BETTENCOURT With a fortune of $39.1 billion, Liliane Bettencourt is the richest woman in the world. Her father, Eugene Schueller, founded L'Oreal in 1907. A company valued at $102.9 billion as of May 2016, according to Forbes, Bettencourt and her children own 33 percent of L'Oréal. Sadly, Bettencourt suffers from dementia and in 2012, her grandson took over her seat on the L'Oreal board. Bettencourt shied away from the public eye for most of her life but was thrust into the spotlight in 2015 when eight men were found guilty of scamming her. One of the convicted, photographer Francois-Marie Banier, swindled more than $1 billion in gifts from the ailing Bettencourt over a 10-year period. SARA BLAKELY(Sara Blakely) In 1998, Sara Blakely didn't have the right undergarments to wear under white pants to a party, so she made her own. This inspired her to found Spanx in 2000 and the rest is history. Now a fashion mogul with a net worth of $1 billion, Blakely retains 100 percent ownership of the company she created with $5,000 saved from working as a door-to-door fax salesperson. Along with her husband, Jesse Itzler, she is also part owner of the Atlanta Hawks. Despite her astronomical success, Blakely remains grounded. She was the first female billionaire to join the Gates-Buffett Giving pledge. The Spanx founder also runs a Leg Up program that supports female entrepreneurs, and her Sara Blakely Foundation has donated millions to charitable organizations globally. ZHOU QUNFEI Named the richest self-made woman in the world by Forbes in 2016, Zhou Qunfei is a true rags-to-riches story. The founder and CEO of Lens Technology, her net worth is currently estimated at $7.4 billion. Remarkably, Qunfei dropped out of school at age 16 to work in a factory making watch lenses. She went on to found Lens Technology, a company that makes glass screens for mobile phones and tablets for clients including Apple and Samsung. The company reportedly supplied 21 percent of the world's mobile phones as of 2015. In 2015, the Chinese-based company listed an IPO on the ShenzhenStock Exchange. Still the majority shareholder, Qunfei retains an 81 percent ownership stake in the company. |