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热门游戏机和iPhone 13即将供不应求

Jonathan Vanian

索尼PlayStation 5、微软Xbox Series X和苹果iPhone 13要么很难找到,要么发货时间比平时长。




“我认为对大多数消费者来说,最大的挑战不是找到什么东西,而是找到他们愿意支付的价格的东西。”研究公司NPD Group的副总裁兼行业顾问斯蒂芬·贝克说。


索尼 PlayStation 5

任何购买过索尼(Sony)最新款PlayStation视频游戏主机的人都知道,要找到一台机器有多难。只要百思买(Best Buy)、塔吉特(Target)和游戏驿站(GameStop)把游戏机放到网上,肯定就会卖光。部分人利用自动化机器人进行了大量的购入,然后以高出标价数百美元的价格转售游戏机。


作为索尼所依赖的芯片制造商之一,AMD的供应链正面临重大瓶颈。AMD的首席执行官苏姿丰(Lisa Su)在今年9月曾经表示,明年上半年“可能会供不应求”,这意味着芯片短缺将持续下去。


微软 Xbox Series X

购买微软(Microsoft)的Xbox Series X游戏机,将和购买PS5游戏机一样困难。你可能需要额外支付数百美元给经销商,或者一直蹲守在网上商店,一旦有库存立马下单。你可能还得关注一下推特(Twitter),当有人注意到零售商出现库存游戏机时,可能会在那里发帖。



任天堂 Switch

与PS5和Xbox Series X一样,在假期购买任天堂(Nintendo)Switch视频游戏机(包括配备更好屏幕的高端OLED游戏机)将是一件难事。据日本《日经新闻》(Nikkei)援引匿名消息人士的话报道,截至今年3月的财年,任天堂共生产了2400万台Switch设备,远低于原先计划的3000万台。一位任天堂发言人表示,该公司正在评估零部件短缺对其生产的影响,但没有提供更多细节。


苹果新款iPhone 13和MacBook Pro

苹果的新款iPhone和MacBook Pro笔记本电脑通常供应充足。但今年是一个例外。在今年9月推出iPhone 13和10月推出新款MacBook Pro之后,苹果承认,有些产品可能不能像前几年那样立即取得。供应链问题是罪魁祸首。




《日经新闻》援引匿名消息人士的报道称,苹果已经减少了不太受欢迎的iPad的生产,以便将这些部件转移到iPhone 13中使用。







“我认为对大多数消费者来说,最大的挑战不是找到什么东西,而是找到他们愿意支付的价格的东西。”研究公司NPD Group的副总裁兼行业顾问斯蒂芬·贝克说。


索尼 PlayStation 5

任何购买过索尼(Sony)最新款PlayStation视频游戏主机的人都知道,要找到一台机器有多难。只要百思买(Best Buy)、塔吉特(Target)和游戏驿站(GameStop)把游戏机放到网上,肯定就会卖光。部分人利用自动化机器人进行了大量的购入,然后以高出标价数百美元的价格转售游戏机。


作为索尼所依赖的芯片制造商之一,AMD的供应链正面临重大瓶颈。AMD的首席执行官苏姿丰(Lisa Su)在今年9月曾经表示,明年上半年“可能会供不应求”,这意味着芯片短缺将持续下去。


微软 Xbox Series X

购买微软(Microsoft)的Xbox Series X游戏机,将和购买PS5游戏机一样困难。你可能需要额外支付数百美元给经销商,或者一直蹲守在网上商店,一旦有库存立马下单。你可能还得关注一下推特(Twitter),当有人注意到零售商出现库存游戏机时,可能会在那里发帖。



任天堂 Switch

与PS5和Xbox Series X一样,在假期购买任天堂(Nintendo)Switch视频游戏机(包括配备更好屏幕的高端OLED游戏机)将是一件难事。据日本《日经新闻》(Nikkei)援引匿名消息人士的话报道,截至今年3月的财年,任天堂共生产了2400万台Switch设备,远低于原先计划的3000万台。一位任天堂发言人表示,该公司正在评估零部件短缺对其生产的影响,但没有提供更多细节。


苹果新款iPhone 13和MacBook Pro

苹果的新款iPhone和MacBook Pro笔记本电脑通常供应充足。但今年是一个例外。在今年9月推出iPhone 13和10月推出新款MacBook Pro之后,苹果承认,有些产品可能不能像前几年那样立即取得。供应链问题是罪魁祸首。




《日经新闻》援引匿名消息人士的报道称,苹果已经减少了不太受欢迎的iPad的生产,以便将这些部件转移到iPhone 13中使用。





If your holiday plans involve buying a video game console, you may be out of luck. And if you want the latest Apple iPhone, you may have to wait longer than usual.

Tech supply chain problems, from sourcing electronic components to delivering finished products, means that some people won't get the holiday gifts they want. But as several tech analysts told Fortune, many popular electronics will still be available. It’s just that they'll cost more and, in many cases, come from resellers who've set up shop on eBay, Amazon, and QVC.

“I think the biggest challenge for most consumers will not be finding something, but it will be finding something at a price that they're willing to pay,” said Stephen Baker, the vice president and industry advisor at research firm NPD Group.

Here are some top consumer devices in short supply this holiday season:

Sony PlayStation 5

Anyone who's shopped for Sony’s latest PlayStation video game console knows how difficult finding one is. As soon asBest Buy, Target, and GameStop put consoles online, they sell out. People operating automated bots do much of the buying so they can then resell the consoles for hundreds of dollars over list price.

Unfortunately, the situation isn't expected to change before the holidays, and for that matter, into 2022. Sony is struggling to produce and ship enough consoles to meet the demand, largely due to component and chip shortages.

AMD, one of the chipmakers that Sony relies on, is facing major bottlenecks in its supply chain. AMD CEO Lisa Su said in September that the first half of next year will be “likely tight,” meaning the chip shortage will continue.

“The pandemic has just taken demand to a new level,” Su said.

Microsoft Xbox Series X

Buying a Microsoft’s Xbox Series X gaming console is just as difficult as it is for a PS5. You may need to pay hundreds of dollars extra to a reseller or continually monitor online stores in case they get some inventory. You may also want to keep an eye on Twitter, where people sometimes post when they notice retailers with consoles in stock.

Microsoft Xbox chief Phil Spencer said in a recent interview that the computer chip shortage is partly to blame. He also mentioned unspecified “pinch points,” meaning a shortage of other components or transportation issues needed to get consoles to market.

“We're working hard to bring them to market but it's going to be a challenge that we'll work through for quite a while,” Spencer said.

Nintendo Switch

Like the PS5 and Xbox Series X, buying the Nintendo Switch video game console, including the higher-end OLED model featuring a better screen, will be difficult for the holidays. Nintendo manufactured 24 million Switch devices in its fiscal year through March, far fewer than the 30 million it had originally planned, according to a report by Japanese newspaper Nikkei that cited anonymous sources. A Nintendo spokesperson told the publication that the company is assessing the impact of the component shortages on its production, but didn’t provide more details.

The OLED model is particularly difficult to find because it debuted in October, which means only a limited number have been produced. Major retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, and GameStop sell out quickly, and provide few updates about when they get more in stock. If you want to fork out more money, you can always try a reseller. But you can expect to pay over $500 versus a normal retail price of $350.

Apple's new iPhone 13 and MacBook Pros

Apple usually has ample supplies of its new iPhones and MacBook Pro laptops. But not this year. After debuting iPhone 13 in September and a new MacBook Pro in October, Apple has acknowledged that some products may be a challenge to buy as quickly as previous years. Supply chain problems are to blame.

In Apple's online store, a message says “Shop early for the best selection of holiday favorites,” implying that some items may out of stock closer to the holidays.

Apple CEO Tim Cook told CNBC in October that “supply chain constraints” had cost the company “around $6 billion” during its fiscal fourth quarter.

“The supply constraints were driven by the industry wide chip shortages that have been talked about a lot, and COVID-related manufacturing disruptions in Southeast Asia,” Cook said.

A report by Nikkei citing unnamed sources said Apple has reduced production of iPad, which are less popular, in order to shift those components for use in iPhone 13.

Avi Greengart, president and lead analyst for research firm Techsponential, said Apple’s supply chain problems are likely less severe than for other smartphone and consumer device makers. That’s because Apple buys huge volumes of components in advance, meaning it stockpiles more than it immediately needs, which comes in handy during a component shortage.

In a normal year, Apple customers would probably receive their new iPhones within a week or two of ordering. This year, however, shipping times may be extended to a few weeks, Greengart said. One way to avoid a delay, he noted, is to order a phone with a slightly different configuration than you had your mind set on. Although pricier, phones with more memory may be shipped more quickly.

“In some cases, that’s just not the end of the world,” Greengart said.



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