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Royce Branning



2010年,苹果公司(Apple)的首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山手持iPhone 4做展示。图片来源:JUSTIN SULLIVAN - GETTY IMAGES







• 公众意识和教育:美国卫生局局长1964年关于吸烟带来的健康风险的报告引发了广泛的认识,导致了广泛的公共卫生运动。

• 政策干预:实现全面立法,包括公共场所禁烟和严格的广告限制,极大地遏制了民众的吸烟习惯。

• 文化转变:随着时间的推移,在媒体报道和公众舆论的改变下,吸烟越来越不被社会所接受。

• 技术进步:尼古丁替代疗法和戒烟支持数字工具的引入在帮助吸烟者克服烟瘾方面发挥了关键作用。








1. 高科技问题的高科技解决方案:我们必须利用当今最好的技术来保护注意力,而不是榨干它。

2. 实现节制而非禁欲:将科技从我们的生活中彻底移除是徒劳无益的。我们可以采用综合的方法来调整参与度,在保留工具的同时消除干扰。

3. 基于利益的内容消费:提升技能是一种从根本上有别于负面消息刷屏的数字参与方式。我们要跟踪两者之间的区别,并将其作为持续协议的依据。

4. 替代行为(“拒绝一些事情,从而选择更好的事情”):在你被诱导刷手机的同时,我们会提醒你生活中更重要的事情,比如登山远足、深入交谈和追求你一生的事业。


罗伊斯·布兰宁(Royce Branning)是Clearspace的联合创始人及首席执行官。








• 公众意识和教育:美国卫生局局长1964年关于吸烟带来的健康风险的报告引发了广泛的认识,导致了广泛的公共卫生运动。

• 政策干预:实现全面立法,包括公共场所禁烟和严格的广告限制,极大地遏制了民众的吸烟习惯。

• 文化转变:随着时间的推移,在媒体报道和公众舆论的改变下,吸烟越来越不被社会所接受。

• 技术进步:尼古丁替代疗法和戒烟支持数字工具的引入在帮助吸烟者克服烟瘾方面发挥了关键作用。








1. 高科技问题的高科技解决方案:我们必须利用当今最好的技术来保护注意力,而不是榨干它。

2. 实现节制而非禁欲:将科技从我们的生活中彻底移除是徒劳无益的。我们可以采用综合的方法来调整参与度,在保留工具的同时消除干扰。

3. 基于利益的内容消费:提升技能是一种从根本上有别于负面消息刷屏的数字参与方式。我们要跟踪两者之间的区别,并将其作为持续协议的依据。

4. 替代行为(“拒绝一些事情,从而选择更好的事情”):在你被诱导刷手机的同时,我们会提醒你生活中更重要的事情,比如登山远足、深入交谈和追求你一生的事业。


罗伊斯·布兰宁(Royce Branning)是Clearspace的联合创始人及首席执行官。


It’s been 33 years since Steve Jobs talked about the personal computer becoming a bicycle for the mind. In those years, the advent of the smartphone and the mass adoption of social media have turned those bicycles into runaway trains. Americans spend more than four hours a day on their smartphones–and more than half say they are addicted to their device. In May 2023, the surgeon general issued a warning about the concerning effects of social media on youth mental health.

Most of us probably do not require such statistics to identify the phenomenon: Our own habits reveal that the state of digital well-being today is a grim one. There is a fundamental misalignment between human attention and intention when engaging with screens.

However, there is cause for optimism. Behavioral misalignment is not a new problem. As urbanist and philosopher Paul Virilio once said, “When we invented the ship, we invented the shipwreck.” And we have an unfair advantage–the very digital nature of the problem.

The universal challenge of behavioral misalignment

Behavioral misalignment–where our actions diverge from our best interests–is a recurring challenge across various domains. From the obesity epidemic spurred on by the mass introduction of processed foods to habitual overspending that came on the heels of access to easy credit, history is replete with examples of such misalignments. However, the trend in U.S. cigarette smoking provides a promising example of progress in society-wide issues of behavioral misalignment. In recent decades, the number of U.S. smokers has declined from around 40% to around 12%.

The downward pressure on this graph was driven by a number of efforts in concert:

• Public awareness and education: The Surgeon General’s 1964 report on smoking’s health risks sparked widespread awareness, leading to extensive public health campaigns.

• Policy interventions: Comprehensive legislation, including smoking bans in public places and stringent advertising restrictions, significantly curtailed smoking habits.

• Cultural shifts: Over time, smoking became socially less acceptable, aided by changing media portrayals and public opinion.

• Technological advances: The introduction of nicotine replacement therapies and digital tools for cessation support played a key role in helping smokers overcome addiction.

These same forces are coming into play in the fight for digital well-being. Increased awareness is giving rise to greater research attention that is deepening our collective understanding of the issue. The time has come for a parallel solution: technology that is just as good at protecting our attention as social media platforms are at exploiting it.

Our biggest advantage in fighting digital addiction

Imagine if you could write code that would make a donut increasingly heavier as you got closer to your calorie limit for the day. This is what we can do with devices. It is entirely possible to encode the practices of responsible device engagement in the same environment as the “addiction” itself.

We can deploy environment change at scale with no marginal cost to anyone who wants to change their behavior. That is an unfair advantage that smoking cessation, or health food campaigns have never had.

This is all the more important as the next generation of digital interfaces–Large Language Models, virtual reality, and Brain-Computer Interfaces–promise to bring the digital world closer to us than ever before with their promise to reduce the latency of communication between humans and devices. Our impulse to access the internet is now a reach to the pocket away, in the future, it will be one thought away.

As the space between stimulus and response shrinks the opportunity for platforms to exploit human attention will continue, unless we increase our own capacity to articulate and implement our attention preferences in these environments.

To do this effectively we focus on four key tenets:

1. High-tech solutions for a high-tech problem: The best technology of our day must be leveraged as a force to protect attention rather than exploit it.

2. Enabling moderation rather than abstinence: An outright war to remove technology from our lives is futile and unhelpful. We can develop integrated methods of moderating engagement that keep the tool while removing the distraction.

3. Benefit-based content consumption: Up-skilling is a fundamentally different digital engagement practice than doom scrolling. We track the difference and let it inform ongoing protocols.

4. Replacement behaviors (The “Better Yes”): In the same moment that you are enticed to scroll, we remind you of the more important things in life; like hiking in the mountains, deep conversations, and pursuing your life’s work.

As Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl put it, “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.” It is time for technologists to help humanity reclaim that space.

Royce Branning is the co-founder and CEO of Clearspace.



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