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Alyssa Newcomb





纽约大学(New York University)的负责任人工智能中心(Center for Responsible AI)的教授兼主任茱莉亚·斯托亚诺维奇说:“许多人通常在没有明确决定使用人工智能系统的时候,就已经受到了人工智能的影响。我们希望让人们有决定权,有能力帮助找出漏洞,了解人工智能带来的好处,并关注它可能带来的风险与伤害。”

毕马威(KPMG)今年发布的一项调查显示,42%的人认为生成式人工智能已经对个人生活产生了“重大影响”,而60%的人预计这将在未来两年内发生。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)2023年的一项研究称,尽管人工智能产生了巨大影响,但只有10%的美国人表示对人工智能的态度是“激动多于担忧”。全球的政策制定者们都在研究人工智能的潜在监管法规,与此同时,一些公司则在主动公布其为负责任创新所采取的措施。

财捷集团(Intuit)把人工智能整合到公司的全产品线,包括在TurboTax、QuickBooks、Credit Karma中整合的生成式人工智能助手,以及公司电子邮箱营销平台Mailchimp上的一系列工具。该公司表示,数百万个模型每天驱动650亿次机器学习预测,每年进行8.1亿次人工智能驱动的交互。

Intuit Mailchimp的首席执行官拉尼亚·苏卡尔说:“五年前,我们宣布公司的策略是将人工智能与专业知识相结合,创建一个人工智能驱动的专家平台。如今,这项投资让我们拥有了数百万个在线的人工智能驱动模型。当生成式人工智能出现时,得益于我们所做的投资,以及我们所看到的它对最终用户的潜力,我们准备大展拳脚。”

小企业有许多数据点可以验证成功的和不成功的技术,因此该公司看到了把生成式人工智能推向大众的机会,而不是只有那些有能力自行开发人工智能模型的大公司才能够使用。苏卡尔指出,财捷集团开发的生成式人工智能操作系统,可以保护其训练数据的私密性。然后,Intuit Mailchimp的客户能够利用人工智能,以品牌的语气生成营销邮件和文本,他们还可以设置自动邮件,以帮助欢迎新客户或提醒客户他们的在线购物车里有未结算的商品。

苏卡尔表示,过去几个月,Intuit Mailchimp的生成式人工智能文本生成工具使用率提高了70%以上。尽管如此,该公司在考虑如何在扩大产品规模时保持谨慎。

人工智能模型存在的一个固有问题是,它们并不完美。人工智能可能提供虚假信息,生成冒犯性的信息,并且扩大在模型训练数据中可能存在的偏差。苏卡尔称,为了避免这些情况,Intuit Mailchimp正在谨慎地选择能够使用其生成式人工智能工具的行业。(她拒绝透露目前Intuit Mailchimp的生成式人工智能不支持哪些行业。)



其他科技公司正在采取措施帮助人们了解其人工智能如何工作,并区分真实内容与人工智能生成的内容。TikTok为创作者推出了一款工具,用于标记人工智能生成的内容,而且该公司在2023年还表示正在测试自动标记这类内容的方法。Meta宣布将在Facebook、Instagram和Threads上标记人工智能生成的图片。微软(Microsoft)在一篇博客里解释了其为生成式人工智能产品Copilot和Microsoft Designer执行的安全保护措施。2023年,谷歌(Google)修改了搜索算法,把人工智能生成的高质量内容考虑在内。








纽约大学(New York University)的负责任人工智能中心(Center for Responsible AI)的教授兼主任茱莉亚·斯托亚诺维奇说:“许多人通常在没有明确决定使用人工智能系统的时候,就已经受到了人工智能的影响。我们希望让人们有决定权,有能力帮助找出漏洞,了解人工智能带来的好处,并关注它可能带来的风险与伤害。”

毕马威(KPMG)今年发布的一项调查显示,42%的人认为生成式人工智能已经对个人生活产生了“重大影响”,而60%的人预计这将在未来两年内发生。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)2023年的一项研究称,尽管人工智能产生了巨大影响,但只有10%的美国人表示对人工智能的态度是“激动多于担忧”。全球的政策制定者们都在研究人工智能的潜在监管法规,与此同时,一些公司则在主动公布其为负责任创新所采取的措施。

财捷集团(Intuit)把人工智能整合到公司的全产品线,包括在TurboTax、QuickBooks、Credit Karma中整合的生成式人工智能助手,以及公司电子邮箱营销平台Mailchimp上的一系列工具。该公司表示,数百万个模型每天驱动650亿次机器学习预测,每年进行8.1亿次人工智能驱动的交互。

Intuit Mailchimp的首席执行官拉尼亚·苏卡尔说:“五年前,我们宣布公司的策略是将人工智能与专业知识相结合,创建一个人工智能驱动的专家平台。如今,这项投资让我们拥有了数百万个在线的人工智能驱动模型。当生成式人工智能出现时,得益于我们所做的投资,以及我们所看到的它对最终用户的潜力,我们准备大展拳脚。”

小企业有许多数据点可以验证成功的和不成功的技术,因此该公司看到了把生成式人工智能推向大众的机会,而不是只有那些有能力自行开发人工智能模型的大公司才能够使用。苏卡尔指出,财捷集团开发的生成式人工智能操作系统,可以保护其训练数据的私密性。然后,Intuit Mailchimp的客户能够利用人工智能,以品牌的语气生成营销邮件和文本,他们还可以设置自动邮件,以帮助欢迎新客户或提醒客户他们的在线购物车里有未结算的商品。

苏卡尔表示,过去几个月,Intuit Mailchimp的生成式人工智能文本生成工具使用率提高了70%以上。尽管如此,该公司在考虑如何在扩大产品规模时保持谨慎。

人工智能模型存在的一个固有问题是,它们并不完美。人工智能可能提供虚假信息,生成冒犯性的信息,并且扩大在模型训练数据中可能存在的偏差。苏卡尔称,为了避免这些情况,Intuit Mailchimp正在谨慎地选择能够使用其生成式人工智能工具的行业。(她拒绝透露目前Intuit Mailchimp的生成式人工智能不支持哪些行业。)



其他科技公司正在采取措施帮助人们了解其人工智能如何工作,并区分真实内容与人工智能生成的内容。TikTok为创作者推出了一款工具,用于标记人工智能生成的内容,而且该公司在2023年还表示正在测试自动标记这类内容的方法。Meta宣布将在Facebook、Instagram和Threads上标记人工智能生成的图片。微软(Microsoft)在一篇博客里解释了其为生成式人工智能产品Copilot和Microsoft Designer执行的安全保护措施。2023年,谷歌(Google)修改了搜索算法,把人工智能生成的高质量内容考虑在内。







In a short time, AI has gone from being a technology used by the tech elite to one that most people use—or at least encounter—daily. AI is being deployed in health apps, customer service interactions, on social media, and in marketing emails, to name just a few examples. While companies are building their own AI and figuring out how the technology fits into their businesses, they’re also facing the challenge of how to transparently convey the ways in which they’re using these advancements.

“Many are subjected to AI, often without an explicit decision to use these systems,” said Julia Stoyanovich, professor and director of the Center for Responsible AI at New York University. “We want to give the ability to decide, to help debug, to help understand the benefits, and look out for risks and harms, back to people.”

According to a KPMG survey released this year, 42% of people believe generative AI is already having a “significant impact” on their personal lives, while 60% expect this within the next two years. Despite AI’s outsize impact, only 10% of Americans report being “more excited than concerned” about AI, according to a study last year from the Pew Research Center. As policymakers around the world examine potential regulations for AI, some companies are proactively offering insight into steps they’re taking to innovate responsibly.

At Intuit, AI is integrated across the company’s line of products, including generative AI assistants in TurboTax, QuickBooks, Credit Karma, and a suite of tools on the company’s email marketing platform, Mailchimp. Millions of models are driving 65 billion machine learning predictions everyday and conducting 810 million AI-powered interactions annually, according to the company.

“Five years ago we declared our strategy as a company was to build an AI-driven expert platform, which combines AI and expertise. We now have millions of live, AI-driven models in the offerings today as a result of that investment,” said Rania Succar, CEO of Intuit Mailchimp. “When generative AI came along, we were ready to go really big because of the investment we’ve made and because of the potential we saw for our end customers.”

With so many data points in small businesses demonstrating what works and what doesn’t, the company saw an opportunity to bring generative AI to the masses—not just the big players who can afford to build their own AI models. Intuit built its own generative AI operating system that keeps the data it trains on private, Succar said. Intuit Mailchimp customers are then able to use the AI to generate marketing emails and text in their brand’s voice, and set up automated emails to help welcome new customers or remind someone when they’ve left an item in their online cart.

In the past few months, Intuit Mailchimp has seen generative AI text generation adoption grow by more than 70%, Succar said. Despite the growth, the company is being careful about how the product is scaled.

One of the inherent problems with AI models everywhere is that they are never perfect. AI can hallucinate false information, generate offensive information, and exacerbate biases that might be present in the model’s training data. In an effort to keep this from happening, Succar said Intuit Mailchimp is being deliberate in selecting industries that have access to its generative AI tools. (She declined to say which industries Intuit Mailchimp currently does not support with generative AI.)

Perhaps the differentiator, though, is that Intuit still believes there’s a place for humans in a world where AI is rapidly becoming capable of taking over everything from the mundane to the creative. Every piece of generated content is reviewed by the user before it is sent out to clients. Escalations, such as poor or inaccurate answers, can be reported to human content reviewers. Just as people can connect with a human expert on TurboTax, Succar said, there’s a place for human experts in marketing.

“Human experts will always be able to add the next level of expertise that AI doesn’t and create confidence for the small business,” Succar noted.

Other technology companies are taking steps to help people understand how their AI works and discern between what’s real and what isn’t. TikTok rolled out a tool for creators to label their AI-generated content and said last year it is also testing ways to do so automatically. Meta announced it will label AI-generated images on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Microsoft explained in a blog post the safeguards it’s put in place for its generative AI products Copilot and Microsoft Designer. And last year, Google revised its search algorithm to consider high-quality AI-generated content.

Understanding what’s real and what isn’t is only one part of the equation. The proliferation of deepfakes, most recently explicit images in the likeness of Taylor Swift, have highlighted a fundamental problem with AI. Dan Purcell, cofounder and CEO of Ceartas, a company that uses AI models to combat online piracy, said he’s been able to get an increasing number of AI-generated images removed for his clients, who range from celebrities and content creators to C-suite executives.

“The way our technology works is we build a model of an infringement. We don’t need access to the original content. We don’t need to fingerprint clips. We just need the name of the content, because that is how people find it online,” he said. “When we look at individual content creators and businesses, we slightly change ingredients to be more specific to that brand or individual, and then apply the learning to a broad spectrum.”

As the past two years have demonstrated, advancements in AI are only going to keep getting better. (Look no further than the reaction to Sora, OpenAI’s text-to-video platform.) While there may no longer be an option to avoid AI, Stoyanovich said there’s more work that will need to be done, bringing together industry players, academics, policymakers, and users to come to a consensus on an actionable AI governance framework. In the meantime, as people start to notice more examples of AI in their day-to-day, she offered this advice:

“What is important is to keep a healthy dose of skepticism about the capabilities of this and other kinds of technology,” she said. “If it sounds too good to be true and, at the same time, if we don’t know what data the model is based on and how it was validated, then it probably doesn’t work as advertised.”



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