

Alex Konrad 2011-08-30

    亿万富豪们仍在举行盛大的派对。这个夏天,里昂•布莱克在纽约南安普敦举行了60大寿庆典,私募股权、银行、时尚和政治领域的名流纷纷前来捧场。这场奢华盛宴立即让人回想起百仕通集团(Blackstone Group)创始人史蒂夫•施瓦茨曼2007年的铺张派对,由于之后不久就爆发了威力无俦的全球金融危机,那次庆典已经恶名昭彰。


    Billionaires are still partying. This summer, Leon Black's 60th birthday bash in Southampton brought out a who's who of the giants of private equity, banking, fashion and politics. The lavish fete drew immediate comparisons to Steve Schwarzman's now-infamous party in 2007, which heralded an epic, worldwide financial hangover.

    But these parties still happen more often than you might think. If you didn't make the guest list this weekend, join Fortune instead by reliving some of the standout billionaire bashes of recent history.

    索尔•斯坦伯格,1988-89 图右


    索尔•斯坦伯格在1988和1989年举行的庆典可谓80年代最后的奢华,这两次盛大派对并非都是生日宴,但却为日后的此类盛典设置了标杆。首先,他于1988年花费300万美元,在纽约大都会博物馆(the Metropolitan Museum of Art)的丹铎神庙(The Temple of Dendur)为女儿操办婚宴,席间点缀着脚踏高跷的巴西乐队,成千上万根羽毛在吹雪机的帮助下营造出浪漫气氛。翌年,他的妻子又在汉普顿的Quogue村为他举行了奢华50大寿庆典,聚会的一大特色是用帐篷营造出的十七世纪弗拉芒风格酒馆,以呼应斯坦伯格著名的古典艺术收藏(不过他后来被迫以5,000万美元抛售这些藏品)。身着戏装重现经典画作中场景的演员有之,表演舞蹈者有之,扮演传令官者有之,甚至还有人打扮成美人鱼——而且是一对一模一样的美人鱼。

    斯坦伯格的80年代盛典被视为那个奢华无度时代的最后象征。Executive Visions公司的董事长兼首席执行官迈克尔•马托称,这种程度的奢靡在现今的派对上已经很罕见。马托的公司专为巨富和名流组织明星演唱会,曾在亿万富豪派对上与众多一线艺人合作。(出于保护隐私的考虑,他不便透露细节。)斯坦伯格那个时代还有人比他更铺张吗?沙特巨贾阿德南•哈肖吉1980年曾在摩纳哥连续数天大宴宾客,耗资2,000万美元,令人瞠目。

Saul Steinberg, 1988-89

    In 1988, Saul Steinberg's last lavish displays of the `80s weren't both birthday parties, but they set the standard for what was to come. First, he hosted a $3 million wedding party for his daughter at the Temple of Dendur in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1988, complete with Brazilian band on stilts and snow blowers to blow thousands of feathers into the air. The next year, his wife would throw him a lavish 50th birthday in the Hamptons village of Quogue. That party featured a tent as seventeenth-century Flemish pub to correspond with Steinberg's well-known old masters art collection (which he would later have to sell off for $50 million). Costumed actors played out scenes from the paintings while others danced, played heralds or posed as mermaids. Identical twin mermaids, even.

    Steinberg's `80s bashes are remembered as the last of the `80s excess. Such decadence isn't found to the same degree at parties today, says Michael Marto, president and CEO of Executive Visions, which produces star concerts for the rich and famous. Marto's worked with many top-flight artists on billionaire bashes. (He can't cite specifics due to privacy.) The topper from Steinberg's era of open opulence? Saudi tycoon Adnan Khashoggi's multi-day bash in Monaco in 1980, which cost a stunning $20 million at the time.
