

Gregory Dal Piaz,Snooth 2012-01-11



    就让我们从2012年开始,下定决心喝上更有品质的葡萄酒。这就是全球最大的综合性葡萄酒评论网站Snooth推出的“私人专享葡萄酒窖升级大行动”(Build a Better Wine Cellar)项目的第一阶段——花费仅2,500美元。








    With the New Year upon us, we tend to be a resolute bunch. Many of our resolutions revolve around self-improvement, peace on earth and fitting into old jeans -- those same old unattainable things we like to devote several days of effort to each new year.

    But several days of effort could pay off handsomely in new ways for wine lovers. This year could be the year you begin to benefit from a wine collection -- with minimum investment of both time and money.

    Make 2012 the year you decide to drink better wine. This is the first installment of the Snooth project to Build a Better Wine Cellar -- for just $2500.

    We're beginning our cellar project by taking a look at some of the options available to people at a relatively modest price point: $30 a bottle. I could buy a single bottle of wine and be done with it, building that $2500 cellar in one purchase, but that's neither fun nor helpful, is it?

    What I'm hoping to do is help people understand where there is value in cellarable wine and with that, offer some pointers. Simply put, one need not invest exorbitant resources in order to build a cellar that satisfies its primary purpose, to supply maturing wines over the course of several years.

    So what does my fantasy cellar look like? Let's break it down by stages and price points:

    The $2500 cellar is stage one and consists of six cases of wine broken down as follows: Eight types of wine, three labels for each type, three bottles each, all at less than $30 a bottle.

    The $5000 cellar is stage two and includes the $2500 cellar plus: Five additional types of wine, three labels of each type, three bottles each, all at less than $60 a bottle,

    The $10,000 cellar is stage three and includes the $5000 Cellar plus: Five additional types of wine, three labels of each type , three bottles each, all at about $100 a bottle.

    The $20,000 cellar is the final stage and includes: Five additional types of wine, three labels of each type, three bottles each, all at $200 to $400 a bottle.
