本文是与《创业者》杂志的合作内容,原文最初刊登在Entrepreneur.com网站。 圣诞已至,元旦将临,你一定精心采购了不少礼物,打算送给生命中那些最重要的人。但是我想说,别忘了在这个假期也要好好犒劳你自己。 在节日期间,穿梭于各种社交活动、家庭聚会和传统年节仪式背后,其实也挺累人的。2015年即将开启,你一定希望自己能够充满能量地重新投入工作。所以,在各种忙忙碌碌之余,你应该留出一点属于自己的时间。我要提醒你的是,这些礼物并不需要你花钱购买——何妨一试呢? 1. 强健的体魄 在节假日别忘了锻炼身体。敞开肚皮大吃大喝是免不了的,所以每年的这个时候都是对身体的一次考验。强健的体魄能带给你强大的心智。所以无论有没有家人愿意陪你一起健身,你都应该动起来。 2. 放松的大脑 让自己睡个好觉。你懂的——关掉各种显示屏,把手机放在隔壁房间,早点洗洗睡。你做的一切事情都是为了让自己满血复活。 3. 制订路线图 利用假期好好做个计划。2015年你的目标是什么?你准备怎样实现这些目标?一旦你有所期待,你就会越来越想重新返回工作岗位。 4. 打开新思路 读一本新书或者一本你从没读过的杂志,还可以考虑读一篇你对相关话题完全陌生的文章。这是一个放松大脑的好时机,还可以通过学习新东西来提高创造力。 5. 跳支舞 要想放松身心,表达自我,还有比跳舞更好的方式吗?调到你最喜欢的电台频道或者打开Spotify音乐列表,随着音乐翩翩起舞吧! 6. 留白的日程表 完备的计划让生活井井有条。但是要想放松发条,你需要在日程表里留白,也就是说完完全全什么事都不安排。好好享受那一刻空白时光,做你想做的事。 7. 自我表扬 回想一下你在过去一年里做了哪些帮助别人的事情。 8. 此时,此刻 慢生活,哪怕一秒!安静地坐着,细细体味生活之美。 这个假期我将和家人待在一起——而且我会尽可能采纳这些建议!(财富中文网) 史蒂芬▪奇是inventRight公司的联合创始人,他还是《一个简单想法》丛书的作者。 译者:珠珠 |
This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The article below was originally published at Entrepreneur.com. The holidays are upon us. Chances are you’ve been running around purchasing gifts for all of the important people in your life. But I don’t want you to forget to treat yourself this holiday season. Between social events, familial obligations and annual traditions, the holidays can be very draining. When 2015 rolls around, you will want to feel refreshed and like you’re ready to hit the ground running. So it’s important that you carve out time for yourself in between your commitments. Mind you, these aren’t gifts you have to purchase — so you have no excuses not to try to enjoy them. 1. A strong body Don’t forget to exercise this holiday season. Between indulgent meals, delicious baked goods and alcohol, this is a tough time of year on your body. But having a strong body will lead you to having a strong mind. So whether you find a family member to work out with or not, get moving. 2. A well-rested mind Make an effort to sleep well. We all know what that means — shut down your illuminated screens early, leave your phone in another room, go to bed early, etc. Do you what you need to do so that you feel rejuvenated. 3. A roadmap Take this time to do a little planning. What are your goals for 2015? How are you going to accomplish them? You’ll feel more and more excited about getting back to work when you have something to look forward to. 4. Some perspective Pick up a new book. Pick up a magazine you’ve never read before. Consider reading an article about a topic you know nothing about. This is a great time to relax your mind and boost your creativity by focusing on learning something new. 5. A dance party Is there a better way to let loose and express yourself than dancing? I don’t think so. Put on your favorite radio channel or Spotify playlist and get grooving. 6. Unscheduled time Plans give us something to look forward. But to really unwind, you need carve out time in your schedule and schedule absolutely nothing at all. Get in touch with how you’re feeling in that moment and do whatever feels right. 7. A pat on the back Reflect back on all of the things you have done this year to help others. 8. A moment Stop moving so fast for a second! Sit still. Whatever it takes for you to appreciate the little details of life. This holiday season I’ll be focusing on staying engaged with my family — and trying to follow this advice as closely as possible! Stephen Key is the co-founder of inventRight and the author of One Simple Idea Series. |