

Dan Kedmey 2015-05-25


    On rare occasions, a commencement speaker can jolt graduates to attention with a personal, even uncomfortable truth from their working lives. Here are six speakers who departed from the usual bromides about “believing in yourself,” and mined their own lives for failure, doubts and blind spots that marked their ascent to the top of their fields.


    音乐制作人吉米•艾欧文发现,自己作为音乐制作人所取得的成功,对于改行卖Beats耳机没有任何用处。在演讲中,他大声地说出自己曾经的疑惑:“谁相信说唱巨星Dr. Dre和我会去卖硬件?没有人相信。”他随后着重强调了成功的短暂性:“在50岁的时候,我知道我必须从头做起。”


    Jimmy Iovine, University of Southern California, 2013

    Music producer Jimmy Iovine observed that the successes he had achieved as a music producer didn’t amount to anything when he made the switch to selling Beats headphones. “So who believed that Dr. Dre and I could sell hardware,” he wondered aloud. “No one,” he answered in a speech that underscored the transient nature of success. “I learned even at 50, I had to be a beginner again.”

    “Please remember this: Your diploma does not represent the end of your education, but the beginning of your continuing education,” he added.
