一年一度的感恩节又到了,这个曾经只在北美流行的节日如今已经蔓延至全球。在国内,这个节日也颇受年轻人欢迎,不过,中国人对感恩节的认知不外乎烤火鸡,并向上帝的慷慨恩赐表示感谢等。今天我们带您了解一下传统地道的感恩节饮食文化。 毫无疑问,美国人的饮食习惯总是在变的,可每逢感恩节,消费者还是恪守传统。不仅几十年来吃一样的菜,就连做菜用的原材料品牌也基本没变过。为此,《财富》杂志特别梳理了美国感恩节传统菜肴中的经典食品。 |
Fortune took a look at the history and business behind the iconic products that make up the classic Thanksgiving menu. There’s no question that Americans’ eating habits are changing. But when it comes to Thanksgiving, consumers are still rooted in tradition. We’re not only eating the same dishes that we’ve been eating for decades, but we’re also making them with same brands. Fortune took a look at the history and business behind the iconic products that make up the classic Thanksgiving menu. |
Butterball火鸡 从1981年起,Butterball开通了一项名为“火鸡对话热线”的服务,专门为消费者解答一切与火鸡有关的问题。提供答疑服务的Butterball工作人员平均工作年限达15年,预计仅感恩节当天就要回复1万余人来电咨询。 |
Butterball Turkey Since 1981 Butterball has operated a Turkey Talk-Line that answers all turkey-related questions. The Talk-Line staff members, who have an average tenure of 15 years, are expected to talk to more than 10,000 people on Thanksgiving Day alone. |
Libby’s南瓜罐头 由于南瓜成长关键期偏逢大雨连绵,今年美国最大的罐装南瓜生产商Libby’s采收的南瓜减少了一半。公司的存货没法维持到明年,所以,今年产的南瓜罐头发完货以后,Libby’s新货上市最快也要等到明年南瓜收获。 |
Libby’s canned pumpkin Because of heavy rain during the critical growing months for pumpkins, Libby’s crop yield was reduced by half this year. The company has no reserve stock to carry it into next year so once it ships the remainder of the 2015 harvest, Libby’s will be without canned pumpkin until the 2016 harvest. |
Ocean Spray蔓越莓果冻酱 每年9月到12月,Ocean Spray卖出的蔓越莓酱罐头多达7200万听,算起来大约80%的果酱都是在节日期间卖出的。Ocean Spray每生产一罐果酱需消耗约200颗蔓越莓。 |
Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce Ocean Spray sells 72 million cans of cranberry sauce between September and December. That means about 80% of the company’s total sauce business occurs during the holidays. It takes Ocean Spray about 200 cranberries to make every can of sauce. |
Jet-Puffed棉花糖 Jet-Puffed是美国头号棉花糖品牌。得益于感恩节及其他假期扎堆,该品牌棉花糖四季度销量将近占年销量的40%。假日里,棉花糖最常用在番薯甜点中。 |
Jet-Puffed Marshmallows Nearly 40% of all Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, the No.1 national marshmallow brand, are consumed in the fourth quarter, driven by Thanksgiving and the holidays. Sweet potato and yam dishes are the top use of marshmallows during the season. |
Bruce’s番薯 美国市面每两听番薯罐头就有一罐是Bruce’s牌的。一般来说感恩节前的那几周,这个品牌的番薯罐头销量都能翻十倍,圣诞节前会翻五倍。2015年Bruce’s的母公司McCall Farms已将番薯种植基地全部转移至了南卡罗来纳州。 |
Bruce’s Yams Bruce’s Yams, which make up 50% of the canned sweet potato market, sees a 10-fold increase in sales in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and a five-fold increase before Christmas. McCall Farms, which owns the Bruce’s Yams brand, moved all sweet potato production to South Carolina in 2015. |
Pepperidge Farm火鸡填料 美国人说,填料是感恩节餐桌的三大“必备”品之一(另外两样是火鸡和土豆泥)。难怪节日期间Pepperidge Farm火鸡填料的销量占年销量的60%了。 |
Pepperidge Farm Stuffing Pepperidge Farm founder, Margaret Rudkin, sorts the ingredients to make her homemade stuffing recipe.Courtesy of Campbell Soup CompanyAmericans say stuffing is one of the top three “must haves” on the Thanksgiving table (the other two are turkey and mashed potatoes). No surprise then that 60% of Pepperidge Farm Stuffing sales take place during the holiday. |
金宝汤奶油蘑菇汤浓缩罐头 今年是绿豆砂锅诞生诞生60周年,其发明者是金宝汤公司家政部门负责人多卡斯•瑞利,该公司可是美国最大的罐头汤生产商。作为绿豆砂锅汤料的重要配料,金宝汤奶油蘑菇汤浓缩罐头的销售旺季在每年11月和12月,两个月的销量占全年的40%。 |
Campbell’s Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup A Campbell’s print ad from 1995 showcasing the classic Green Bean Casserole recipe featuring Campbell’s Condensed Cream of Mushroom soup.Courtesy of Campbell Soup CompanyThis year marks the 60th anniversary of the green casserole, which was created by Dorcas Reilly—the head of Campbell Soup’s home economics department. As a key ingredient in the casserole, Campbell’s Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup experiences 40% of its sales in November and December. |
法式炸洋葱 四季豆砂锅是节日期间的必备佳肴,节日期间能卖出上千万份,其核心配料French’s法式炸洋葱也自然热卖。数据供应商IRI统计,去年French’s法式炸洋葱成为感恩节当周排名第三的畅销食品品牌(Ocean Spray蔓越莓果冻酱排在第四位。)感恩节当周,French’s法式炸洋葱卖出将近1400万罐,为期三周的假期合计卖出3000万罐。(财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 校对:夏林 |
French Fried Onions Tens of millions of green bean casseroles are served during the holiday season. That’s why French’s French Fried Onions, a core ingredient to the holiday classic, was ranked third of all branded edible items the week of Thanksgiving in 2014, according to data provider IRI. (Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce was fourth.) The brand’s French fried onions brought in nearly $14 million in sales the week of Thanksgiving, with total sales in a three-week span of the holiday coming in at $30 million. |