继本月初批露美国总统专机“空军一号”的成本达40亿美元之后,美国胜选总统特朗普近日再度发声,痛斥“空军一号”的天价成本不合理,并威胁要在正式上台后砍掉与波音的合同。特朗普爆出这个大新闻后,美国网民一片哗然,人们都对40亿的天价表示咂舌,因为它要比一架标准的商用客机贵得多。 “空中一号”又被称作“空中白宫”,它搭载了各种高科技设备以确保总统的安全,同时还能让总统在20,000英尺的高空上继续办公。现在就让我们看看到底是哪些功能让这架飞机卖得如此之贵,以及美国政府在支付了40亿美元之后,还需要再掏多少钱用于维保。 空军一号的总成本 目前承担“空军一号”任务的是两架波音747-200B系列客机。这两架飞机是1990年老布什当政时交付的,计划服役年限是30年,2024年即将迎来置换。让这两架飞机超龄服役并不值得推荐,一是由于技术已经老旧,二是由于难于维护。 2015年,美国政府选择了波音747-800系列客机作为“空军一号”的后继机型。据波音公司称,美国政府迄今已投入了1.7亿美元用于该项目的研究,包括在2016年订立的三个总价1.7亿美元的合同,其目标就是想方设法降低未来的设计成本。 尽管据特朗普推测,“空军一号”的总成本有40亿美元之高,但据美国空军估算,“空军一号”的五年总成本实际应在28亿美元左右,其中2017、2018、2019、2020、2021财年的投入额分别是3.512亿、6.256亿、7.41亿、5.737亿和4.873亿美元。 空军一号每小时的飞行成本 总统专机出动一次自然是不便宜的。“空军一号”每飞行一小时,运行总成本就高达206,337美元。 根据来自美国交通运输管理局的数据,通常美国国内航班的一趟往返机票的平均票价是361美元。也就是说,“空军一号”飞行一小时的成本,至少可以买571张民航的往返机票。 作为三军总司令的总统大大,自然是可以免费乘坐“空军一号”的了。但美国的高级领导人们也并非都能享受到这项免费福利。比如希拉里的竞选团队就在今年八月向联邦选举委员会递交的报备文件中披露,他们为使用“空军一号”而支付了36,602.99美元的租金。 空军一号的运营成本 “空军一号”实际上是由两架飞机组成的,一架在天上飞的时候,另一架可以在地面接受维修保养。“空军一号”的维保费用目前尚未公开披露,但它显然是不便宜的。 总统大大出行时当然不会是个“光杆司令”,但“空军一号”每次也不是单独飞行的。通常会有几架货运飞机给“空军一号”打前站,好为总统提供一些在偏远地区没法提供提的服务。这也意味着这些货机的燃油成本、机组人员工资和其他相关成本也得纳入“空军一号”的预算里。 “空军一号”还给跟总统一起出行的幕僚和扈从们留足了空间。跟着总统出访的媒体记者、高级顾问、特勤局的特工和其他客人都有自己的位置。 其中的很多人在飞机上也得正常工作,所以机上的时间也得计入他们的工时,这样一算成本就更高了。比如据FederalPay.org显示,负责保护总统及其家人的特勤局特工2015年的平均年薪是96,838.29美元。另据来自美国劳工统计局的数据,2015年飞行员的平均年薪是102,520美元。 总统专机的特殊功能 “空军一号”绝对不是一架普通的飞机。作为全世界唯一的超级大国的总统专机,“空军一号”不搭载一些先进的黑科技,怎么好意思飞到其他国家耀武扬威。实际上,“空军一号”的大部分预算都是花在了这些黑科技上头,飞机本身的成本每架大约只有3.8亿美元左右。 “空军一号”共有三层甲板,内部空间合计达370平方米以上,功能可谓应有尽有,总统坐在这架“空中白宫”里依然能正常治国理政。机上的“总统套房”包括一间大办公室、一间会议室和一间浴室——这些只是他的私人空间。 “空军一号”的时速最高可接近1000公里,比普通商用客机快了60多公里,并且具备空中加油能力,理论上可以想飞多远飞多远,无需考虑中转加油的问题。该机还配备了先进的安全通讯装置,如果美国遭遇了袭击,“空军一号”可以瞬间变成一座空中指挥中心,从这里向全国发号施令。 “空军一号”上有两间厨房,可以同时满足100人的用餐需求,机上的美食自然也不是普通民航航班可比的。为了防止发生紧急情况,机上常年都有一名医生待命,机上的医疗室甚至可以做一台手术。“空军一号”上还有一间健身房、87部电话和19台电视。 关于“空军一号”的安全措施的具体细节目前仍处于保密状态,但大家不要忘了它是一台军用飞机。它可以作为核大战爆发时的避难所,另外它还具备反导弹功能,它的电子防御系统还能瘫痪敌军的雷达。 特朗普的专机PK空军一号 和之前任何一位总统都不一样,财大气粗的特朗普早就有了自己的豪华专机。他的这架波音757-200是从微软联合创始人保罗·艾伦手里买下的,大约花了他1亿美金。这台豪华飞机上有一间淋浴室,连座位安全带上的卡扣都是镀金的。另外机上还有一台52寸的纯平大彩电,还有上千部电影可供乘客挑选。 这架“准总统专机”坐起来无疑也比普通民航航班舒服得多,但是特朗普专机的运行成本也不便宜。一架标准的波音757的运行成本大约为每小时8,000美元,不过只要这位准总统扶了正,就可以免费乘坐“空军一号”了。 特朗普的这架私人专机虽然是定制的,但“空军一号”毕竟体格更大、飞得也更快。特朗普的私人专机只能容纳43人,但“空军一号”可以轻易坐下102个人——包括机组成员。虽然他的私人专机富有浓郁的个人特色,不过当准总统先生面对超豪华的“空军一号”时,想来还是不会拒绝的。 新一代的空军一号 新的一代的“空军一号”将于2024年入役,它的功能势必要比它的前任更加强大。“空军一号”的机型从波音747-200型换成747-8系列,也是有很多好处的。 首先,波音747-8型平均每趟航程要少排放16吨的二氧化碳,而且它的满载航程也比现在的“空军一号”远了1,000英里。波音747-8也是当前世界上航速最快的商用客机,巡航速度达每小时656英里,载重也比747-200多出154,000磅。747-8的翼展达到250尺2寸,从而使它成为了地球上最长的商用客机。 不过到目前为止,下一代的“空军一号”仍然处于研究阶段,波音公司尚未正式启动建造。至于特朗普扶正后是否真的会砍掉“空军一号”的合同,还是会继续安然享受总统专机的待遇,就只有时间能告诉我们了。 (财富中文网)
译者:朴成奎 |
After tweeting the rumored $4 billion cost of Air Force One in early December, President-elect Donald Trump condemned the plane’s sky-high price tag and threatened to cancel its contract with Boeing. Many Americans were shocked by the cost of the president’s plane as it is much more than a standard commercial airliner. Known as the Flying White House, Air Force One has high-tech capabilities designed to keep the president safe and allow him to work from 20,000 feet in the air. Learn more about the features that make the plane so expensive and what it costs to maintain it after the estimated $4 billion price tag. Total Cost of Air Force One Currently, two Boeing 747-200B series jets operate as Air Force One. Delivered in 1990 during President George H.W. Bush’s reign, the planes will be upwards of 30 years old when their replacement arrives in 2024. Keeping the planes in service past the 30-year mark isn’t recommended because the technology becomes obsolete and difficult to maintain. The Boeing 747-800 series was selected as the next generation Air Force One in 2015. A total of $170 million has been spent on research for the project so far, according to Boeing. This includes three separate contracts in 2016 worth a combined total of $170 million, as the team works to find a way to lower future design costs. Despite Donald Trump’s $4 billion estimate, the Air Force estimated a five-year total cost of $2.8 billion for Air Force One. This includes $351.2 million in Fiscal Year 2017, $625.6 million in Fiscal Year 2018, $741 million in Fiscal Year 2019, $573.7 million in Fiscal Year 2020 and $487.3 million in Fiscal Year 2021. Air Force One Cost Per Hour Flying like the president doesn’t come cheap. Operating expenses total $206,337 for every hour the president’s plane is in the air. The average domestic round-trip airline fare in the U.S. is $361, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. This means more than 571 plane tickets could be purchased for the price of operating Air Force One for an hour. While the Commander in Chief always gets a free ride, every Air Force One passenger doesn’t get complimentary airfare. In its August Federal Election Commission filings, the Hillary Clinton campaign revealed $36,602.99 in expenses for its use of the luxury airliner. Cost to Operate Air Force One The president’s plane includes a fleet of two jets, so one can fly while the other undergoes maintenance. Specific costs to maintain Air Force One haven’t been publicly revealed, but it’s safe to assume keeping the plane running doesn’t come cheap. Obviously, the president doesn’t travel alone, but Air Force One doesn’t fly solo either. A fleet of cargo planes usually fly in front of the plane to provide the president with a suite of services not available in remote spots. This means fuel expenses, pilot salaries and other costs for cargo planes must also be factored into the Air Force One budget. Never without an entourage, Air Force One has plenty of room for everyone traveling with the president. There’s space for press, senior advisors, Secret Service officers and other guests. Many of these people are on the clock during flights, which can add up fast. The average annual salary of a U.S. Secret Service agent is $96,838.29, as of 2015, according to FederalPay.org. And as of 2015, pilots earn an average of $102,520 per year, per data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Special Features on the President’s Plane Not your average airplane, Air Force One has state-of-the-art capabilities fit for the person running the most powerful country in the world. In fact, these features comprise the majority of the Air Force One budget, as the planes themselves cost approximately $380 million each. The current tri-level plane has 4,000 square feet of space and features everything needed to run the U.S. from the airways. The presidential suite includes a large office, conference room and bathroom—but that’s just his private quarters. Capable of moving up to 620 miles per hour—40 miles per hour faster than the average commercial jet—Air Force One has the ability to refuel midair, so the president can travel as far as necessary without the need to touch down on dry land. The plane is equipped with cutting-edge secure communications equipment, allowing it to serve as a flying command center if the U.S. is under attack. Featuring two kitchens that can feed up to 100 people at a time, the gourmet food served is far from the fare served on standard airliners. In case of emergency, a doctor is always onboard the plane and its medical suite can even serve as an operating room. Air Force One also has a gym, 87 phones and 19 televisions. Specific security details for the plane are kept under lock and key, but it is a military aircraft. It can function as a bunker in a nuclear attack, has the ability to repel airborne missiles and its electronic defense system can gridlock the radar of enemies. Donald Trump’s Plane vs. Air Force Once Unlike any other president before him, Donald Trump already has his own lavish airplane. Purchased from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, the Boeing 757-200 cost an estimated $100 million. The luxury airliner features a shower, signature gold-plated seatbelt buckles and a 52-inch flat screen television with more than 1,000 movies for passengers to choose from. It’s undeniably more comfortable than a ride on the average commercial airliner, but operating Trump’s plane comes with a hefty price tag. A standard 757 costs approximately $8,000 per hour, but hitching a ride on Air Force One is free for the president. Trump’s current plane is customized, but Air Force One is bigger and faster. His private jet seats 43 people, but Air Force One can accommodate a passenger load of 102 people — including crew. Despite the personalized touches on his personal plane, it seems unlikely the president-elect will mind the switch to this ultra-exclusive aircraft. The New Air Force One When the latest version of Air Force One takes flight in 2024, it promises to be even more impressive. Shifting from an outdated 747-200 model to a 747-8 version offers many benefits. The 747-8 model emits 16 fewer tons of carbon dioxide emissions per trip and it can fly 1,000 miles farther than its current counterpart. Also the fastest commercial jet in the world, the 747-8 has a cruise speed of 656 miles per hour, can hold an additional 154,000 pounds and is the longest commercial jet on Earth with a wingspan of 250 feet 2 inches. Still in the research phase, Boeing has not yet begun building the next generation Air Force One fleet. Only time will tell if Donald Trump will have the contract canceled or continue on with the process. |