即使最看好科技前景的人也会承认,现实离动画片《杰森一家》里的罗西那种超高效机器人管家还有很长一段距离。但我们在逐渐接近目标。 如今的家用机器人都不是真人尺寸,也没有机器手,但已经可以胜任一些杂务。这样我们就有更多时间做喜欢的事,比如在沙发上做“葛优躺”,或者上视频网站Netflix看看片。 下面介绍几款最好用的自动化家务助手: |
Even the most optimistic tech evangelist would concede that we're a long way from getting help from the likes of Rosie, the superbly efficient robotic housekeeper in The Jetsons. But we're getting closer. While today's household generally aren't life-sized and typically don't have mechanical limbs, they can take care of several chores we'd just as soon avoid, giving us more time to do things we enjoy like collapsing on the couch and chilling with Netflix. Here are a few of the handiest of automated home helpers: |
有人认为割草可以放松精神,但也有人担心顶着烈日在草坪上来回走会晒伤皮肤。Robomow可以帮到不爱割草的人们。这家公司生产的割草机器人由电池提供动力,处理草坪范围可达2.3万平方英尺(合0.5公顷),可处理最大斜度20度的斜坡。有了这款割草机,终于可以不用每周割一次,频率可以任意设置。该设备售价2100美元,的确有点贵。可如果你一直渴望摆脱割草任务,不到两个夏天就你就会感觉物有所值(要是你住在气候温暖的地区草天天疯长,用不了两个夏天你就会庆幸出手了。) |
Robomow RS622 Some people find cutting the grass relaxing. Others dread pacing back and forth across their lawns while the hot sun sears their skin. Robomow is for that second group. This battery-operated mower can trim yards up to 23,000 square feet (1/2 acre) and can handle slopes of up to 20 degrees. Instead of just cutting once a week, it allows you to take care of your yard as often as you'd like. At $2,100, it is, admittedly, a pricey piece of equipment. But if you've long since opted for a lawn service, this could pay for itself in less than two summers (even less if you live where it's warm year-round). |
Roomba的自动化吸尘器是第一款真正实用的家用机器人,虽然此后涌现大量类似产品,但该品牌还是很有吸引力。Roomba的980型号吸尘器售价900美元,在地毯和硬木地板上操作性能俱佳,比老型号的除尘性能更强。这款机器人吸尘器工作时可以自动避开座椅,清洁家具底下的地面,(因为技术进步了)还不会碰翻室内的桌椅。和同类机器人一样,工作时间可以设定,可以在你出门上班时清扫,在家休息时不会打扰。 |
iRobot Roomba 980 The Roomba automated vacuum was the first household robot to really catch on with homeowners and, while plenty of competitors have come along to challenge it, it's still a strong choice. The 980 model, which costs $900, works equally well on carpet and hardwood floors and removes debris better than older models. It knows to avoid stairs, can clean under furniture and (because of an improved technology) won't ping pong off of your tables and chair legs. And as with other robotic vacuums, you can schedule this device to clean while you're at work, meaning it will never disturb your leisure time. |
如果你家主要是硬木和瓷砖地板,而是不是铺满整间屋子的地毯,家务里肯定有一样——定期清理地板。和前面介绍的Roomba一样,售价299美元的Baava 380t也能在你上班时清理地面(两款是同一家公司的产品)。Baava 380t既可以像拖把一样先洒水再擦干,也可以不用水直接清扫。该设备待机时间很长,工作噪音比同类自动化吸尘器小得多。 |
iRobot Baava 380t If your house floors are more hardwood and tile than wall-to-wall carpeting, you've got the additional chore of mopping them regularly. The $299 Baava 380t, like the Roomba (and from the same manufacturer), can do that when you're at work. Capable of both dry sweeping the area or wet mopping it, it boasts a strong battery life and is significantly quieter than its robotic vacuum cousins. |
通常来说,擦窗是人们最讨厌的家务之一,再喜欢干家事提到擦窗也会头疼。现代科技很快就能帮攻克这个难关,让人类摆脱擦窗的苦恼。Winbot 850售价449美元,体形紧凑,功能强劲,可清洁最小尺寸仅有18英寸*26英寸的窗户。通过一些风扇,机器可以牢牢吸附在玻璃上,按照N或者Z字轨迹清洁玻璃窗的内侧或外侧,一边清洗一边擦干净。假如你住在大城市里公寓楼高层,这款产品会格外有用。房间里最大的玻璃窗也能擦干净,只是有一点,擦完后你得亲自动手把机器挪开。虽然机器人正迅速崛起,有些人工还是没法避免。(财富中文网) 作者:Chris Morris 译者:Pessy 审稿:夏林 |
Winbot 850 Washing windows generally ranks as one of those chores no one likes to do—even the most fanatical of housekeepers. It took technology a while to catch up, and take this task off of our to-do list. The $449 Winbot 850 is compact (it can clean windows as small as 18x26) and powerful. It uses fans to stay firmly attached to glass while cleaning windows on the inside or outside in an "N" or "Z" pattern, squeegeeing them dry as it moves on. It's especially useful if you live in a metropolitan apartment several stories above the ground. It will clean even the largest window, but you will have to manually move it around the house once it's finished. Even in this burgeoning robotic age, there's still legwork for us humans. |