在长假即将来临之际,成功人士们一般会做这17件事: 1.提前计划 国际商务演说家、《幽默的优势》一书的作者迈克尔·科尔指出,很多成功人士会早早地做好周末的计划,这样他们周末时才不至于忍不住又去干工作。他们会提前在餐厅订位子,或者预约好打高尔夫球的时间,或者计划一些亲子活动。 职场专家、《驯服办公室暴君》一书的作者林恩·泰勒表示:“他们会在战略上为三天的小长假制定行动计划,但在战术上又足够灵活,能够解决工作上随时可能出现的问题。” 2.在工作中做好准备 “大多准备工作都要在休假之前做,这样他们从心理上才能享受一个自由放松的假期。”科尔表示。 这些工作包括跟同事道个别,收拾办公室,干好手头紧急的工作,以及制定一个清晰的收假后的工作计划,这样一来,等到假期结束,他们就可以迅速回到紧张的工作中。 3.拔掉插头 真正成功的人不仅会制定“休假攻略”,在休假时,他们还会把手机和电脑抛在一边——至少有部分时间是这样的。 休假的时候就不要整天盯着手机和电脑屏幕了。假期里要尽量避免使用科技产品,这样你睡得才更好,头脑也会更清醒。 4.制定“科技使用使南” 成功人士会给自己和同事制定一份使用电子邮件和电话的规则,这样人们就会知道,什么时候给他们发邮件或打电话,他们才会回应。 科尔解释道:“这样做可以告诉员工,彻底的休息是非常重要的,任何工作都可以为它让路。虽然很多员工心里也这么想,但只有听到领导亲口说出来,他们才能真正度过一个完全放松的周末。” 5.什么都不做 泰勒表示:“一周的工作忙得令人窒息,虽然有很多成功人士为周末制定了这样那样的计划,但也有人的计划就是什么都不做。因为在工作日里,大家都帮着赶期限或者开会,所以周末有一天时间无所事事、什么都不做,也是很好的。” 6.抽时间陪伴家人和朋友 泰勒表示,在工作日里,你很难将注意力集中在家人和朋友身上。“而三天的小长假,使你有了可以高质量地陪伴家人和朋友的时间。” 7.锻炼 成功人士深知锻炼对身心健康的意义,所以即便是周末,他们也不会犯懒停止锻炼。 8.做义工 很多成功人士认为,抽时间参与慈善或公益事业,是一件非常有成就感的事。 9.到野外享受自然 小长假是到野外呼吸新鲜空气的好时光,尤其是在办公室里憋闷了一整个星期之后。 不管是一月还是七月都不要紧,好好享受户外的大好时光吧。 10.度“宅假”或短途游 科尔表示:“有些成功人士会选择在家里度假,也就是所谓的‘宅假’,这样一来,他们的心理可以得到完全的放松,同时又没有任何压力,也不需要任何规划,而且也不至于休假回来之后感觉更加疲劳。” 去一个一两个小时就能到的地方来一次短途旅行,也是一个不错的选择,既领略了新的风景,也不需要在旅途上耗费太长时间,或是花太多心思规划。 11.参加一个自己喜欢的活动 泰勒表示:“周末是一个从事自己喜欢的活动的好时候,不管你喜欢购物、高尔夫球、交际、绘画还是别的什么。”总之,要用难得的周末去做让你感到快乐的事情,做那些周内想做而没有时间做的事情。 12.别去想工作 这对我们很多人来说都是个挑战。不过成功人士在休假时,从不会为下周要做的演讲压力山大,也不会因为错过了上周的期限愁得睡不着觉,而是照样会享受自己当下的闲暇时光。 13.充电 我们都需要时不时地休息下来,给自己充充电。成功人士更是会充分利用三天的假期给自己充电。 他们虽然会给自己制定假期计划,或是积极地参与一些活动,但他们也会让自己睡个好觉,给自己留出一些闲暇时光,让自己完全放松。 14.有时可以选择换休 科尔解释道,有些成功人士会换一天休假,然后选择在公休日上班,这样他们就可以不受干扰地完成更多工作。 “如果你有选择的能力,那它可以成为一种双赢。你既可以在更安静的工作日休息和进行娱乐活动,同时也能完成更多工作。” 15.提前谋划工作 泰勒指出,在小长假结束前的最后一天晚上,很多成功人士会考虑下周工作中需要完成的主要目标。但在这个过程中,他们并不会给自己施加太多压力。 16.保护自己的时间 成功人士深知他们的时间是很宝贵的。对于自己的私人时间来说更是如此。 所以要注意,你的小长假千万不要浪费在那些既耗时又无意义的事情上。 所以,你要拒绝那些无意义的提议,特别是要克服拖延症的倾向。即便是周末,你也要重视时间管理的重要性。 人生苦短,时间是浪费不得的。 17.享受人生 一个糟糕的小长假会让你接下来的一周都感到很难受。所以你至少要在这三天里抽出一点时间,把注意力真正放在自己身上,做一些让自己觉得满足或快乐的事情。(财富中文网) 本文原载于BusinessInsider.com 译者:贾政景 |
Here are 17 things successful people do before and over three-day weekends: 1. They plan ahead Many successful people plan out their activities for the holiday weekend well in advance so that they are not drawn into the temptation of working, says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "The Humor Advantage." They make reservations, book tee times, or schedule activities with their kids. "They're strategic enough to have an action plan for the three-day weekend, but flexible enough to tackle any urgent work issues that may arise," says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job." 2. They prepare at work "Most of what they do happens before they leave for a long weekend so that they are psychologically free to relax and enjoy it," Kerr says. This includes saying proper goodbyes to colleagues, cleaning up their office, finishing any pressing tasks, and creating a clear plan of action for when they return to the office so they can hit the ground running. 3. They unplug Not only do they set guidelines, but truly successful people actually put their phones and laptops away — at least for part of the weekend. Don't sit and stare at screens during your time off. Unplug and try to use as little technology as possible. It will help you sleep better and can keep your mind clear. 4. They set technology guidelines Successful people set email and phone rules for themselves and the people they work with, so that people understand when, if at all, they will be available to respond or pick up. "This can communicate to employees how critical it is for everyone to take a complete break, and that any and all work can wait," Kerr explains. "Although employees may assume this, they often need to hear it from their leader to be able to completely relax over a long weekend." 5. They do a little bit of nothing "With the breakneck pace of business all week long, many successful people do plan — but sometimes those plans include a little bit of nothing," Taylor says. "The workweek is about deadlines and meetings, so successful people enjoy having a block of time, or a day, to be uncommitted and unscheduled." 6. They spend time with family and friends During the week, it's hard to give focused attention to those you care about. "A three-day weekend lets you schedule this critical quality time," Taylor says. 7. They exercise Successful people understand how important exercise is to their physical and mental health — so they don't get lazy and skip their workouts over holiday weekends. 8. They volunteer Many successful people find giving their time to worthy charitable groups or causes to be extremely rewarding. 9. They get outdoors and enjoy nature A long weekend is the perfect time to get outside and breathe fresh air, especially after being relatively sequestered inside all week, Taylor explains. It doesn't matter if it's January or July — take advantage of the great outdoors. 10. They plan 'staycations' or quick weekend getaways "Some successful people plan a mini vacation in their own backyard," Kerr says. "Staycations hold the appeal of still allowing for a complete mental break but without the added stress or planning involved in a trip somewhere away, wherein people run the risk of returning to work more exhausted than when they left." Another good option: Taking a short trip to a destination that only an hour or two away. This is a great way to visit a new place, but doesn't require too much travel or planning. 11. They engage in an activity that supports their passion "This is a great time to unwind with your favorite pastime or hobby, whether it's shopping, golfing, socializing, reading, painting, or something else," Taylor says. Do the things that make you happy; the things you don't always have time for during the week or over a regular two-day weekend. 12. They don't think about work This is a big challenge for a lot of us — but the most successful people don't stress about that upcoming presentation, or that missed deadline from the previous week. Instead, they focus on enjoying whatever it is they're doing now. 13. They recharge We all need to rest and recharge our batteries from time to time. Successful people use three-day weekends to do this. They do make plans and stay active — but they also make sure to catch up on sleep and schedule some free time at the end of the weekend to unwind. 14. They sometimes switch days off Some successful people will take a different day off instead, and go in to work on the vacation day when they have the office to themselves and can get more work done without being distracted, Kerr explains. "If you have the luxury of being able to do this it can be a double win — participating in personal activities when it's quieter and getting more work accomplished at the same time." 15. They think ahead On the last night of long weekends, many successful people think about the short week ahead and key goals they need to accomplish, Taylor says. And they do this without stressing themselves out. 16. They protect their time Successful people know that their time is precious. That goes double for any time you have to yourself. So don't stumble into time-sucking pitfalls over your three day weekend. Learn how to say no to plans that don't interest you. Kick procrastinating to the curb. It might be the weekend, but that doesn't mean you can't try out some time management strategies. Life's too short to waste your time off. 17. They enjoy themselves A miserable long weekend will probably spill over into the rest of your week. Try to focus on yourself a bit, at least for a portion of the three days you've got off. Do something that gives you fulfillment or pleasure. This article originally appeared on BusinessInsider.com |