如果你在考虑退休,哪怕只是做做白日梦,肯定想知道退休后应该安顿在哪。如今,你可以在下文中找到一些答案。 Bankrate最近通过分析包括生活成本、犯罪形势、当地文化、医疗质量、天气状况在内的多项指标,从全美各州中综合评选出了退休后最宜居和最不宜居的几个州。Bankrate的数据来源于一系列政府和教育资源,通过对每个州在七个不同领域内的表现加以分析,得出最终结论。简单来说,南达科他州折桂,如果你退休了,这里最宜居。 南达科他州的幸福指数排第一,税收政策排第二。整体排名在第二至第五名的分别是犹他州、爱达荷州、新罕布什尔州和佛罗里达州。 Bankrate不仅分析了排在前几名的佼佼者,也评出了退休后最不适宜居住的几个州。东北部人民十分不幸,纽约排倒数第一,这在很大程度上是因为它的生活成本高于全美国其它地方,税收政策也属于最糟的。 排在倒数后几名的还有新墨西哥、马里兰、路易斯安那。加利福尼亚比阿肯色州略强。 Bankrate已经公布了这份全美退休后最宜居和最不宜居州的完整名单。名单还包括每个州在上述七个领域中的单项排名。(财富中文网) 译者:Agatha |
If you’re thinking about retirement — or just dreaming about it — you might be wondering where you should land. Now, we have some answers. In a roundup of the best and worst states to retire to in the U.S., Bankrate analyzed a variety of metrics, including cost of living, crime, culture, health care quality, and weather. Each of the seven categories were weighted and data was taken from a variety of government and education sources to arrive at a score. And when it was all said and done, South Dakota came out on top as the best state for you to retire to when it’s time. South Dakota, which earned the top spot for well-being and second place for taxes, was followed by Utah, Idaho, and New Hampshire. Florida took the fifth spot. In addition to analyzing the top states, Bankrate determined which states might be worst for retirees. And unfortunately for those in the northeast, New York landed at the bottom, due in large part to its cost of living being higher than any other state in the union. New York’s taxes are also among the worst. Also toward the bottom were New Mexico, Maryland, and Louisiana. Arkansas was slightly worse than California. Bankrate has published its full list of the best and worst states for retirement. You can also see each state’s rankings in the seven categories they were ranked on. |