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在英国,四分之一的员工感觉心理承受力仿佛到了极限。医疗保险公司Lime Group的最新研究显示,一半以上的调查对象面临巨大压力,因为要向同事掩饰艰难应对工作和疫情双重心理负担带来的沮丧情绪。









如果可以从疫情危机中看到一线希望,那就是越来越多的人,从大坂直美和西蒙•拜尔斯到高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的初级银行家,正在做出艰难的决定:宁愿选择心理健康,也不愿意忍受职业发展的艰辛。

在2020年针对1000名美国员工的研究中,80%的员工称会考虑辞掉当前的工作,重新找一份更关注雇员心理健康的工作。紧随其后的是2021年4月和5月创下的前所未有的最高“离职率”纪录,被一些社会学家称之为“大辞职潮”(Great Resignation)。


心理健康问题也带来了严重的经济损失。抑郁和焦虑产生了重大的经济影响;据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的一份报告估计,全球经济每年因此损失的生产力达1万亿美元。世卫组织发现,每投入1美元用于加强治疗常见心理障碍,就有因为健康状况和生产率提升而带来的4美元回报。

根据Lime Group的研究,英国44%的员工注意到,较弱的个人适应力影响了他们有效工作的能力,同时承认心理健康问题会导致工作效率低下、注意力不集中、犯错以及打电话请病假。

但某些大公司还在用“砸钱”这一过时办法来解决心理健康问题。据报道,瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)一次性发放2万美元“生活方式”奖金,以维持因为繁重工作负荷和远程工作而深感压力的员工士气,而投行Jefferies则向员工赠送了价值2000美元左右的Peloton自行车。(财富中文网)




在英国,四分之一的员工感觉心理承受力仿佛到了极限。医疗保险公司Lime Group的最新研究显示,一半以上的调查对象面临巨大压力,因为要向同事掩饰艰难应对工作和疫情双重心理负担带来的沮丧情绪。









如果可以从疫情危机中看到一线希望,那就是越来越多的人,从大坂直美和西蒙•拜尔斯到高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的初级银行家,正在做出艰难的决定:宁愿选择心理健康,也不愿意忍受职业发展的艰辛。

在2020年针对1000名美国员工的研究中,80%的员工称会考虑辞掉当前的工作,重新找一份更关注雇员心理健康的工作。紧随其后的是2021年4月和5月创下的前所未有的最高“离职率”纪录,被一些社会学家称之为“大辞职潮”(Great Resignation)。


心理健康问题也带来了严重的经济损失。抑郁和焦虑产生了重大的经济影响;据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的一份报告估计,全球经济每年因此损失的生产力达1万亿美元。世卫组织发现,每投入1美元用于加强治疗常见心理障碍,就有因为健康状况和生产率提升而带来的4美元回报。

根据Lime Group的研究,英国44%的员工注意到,较弱的个人适应力影响了他们有效工作的能力,同时承认心理健康问题会导致工作效率低下、注意力不集中、犯错以及打电话请病假。

但某些大公司还在用“砸钱”这一过时办法来解决心理健康问题。据报道,瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)一次性发放2万美元“生活方式”奖金,以维持因为繁重工作负荷和远程工作而深感压力的员工士气,而投行Jefferies则向员工赠送了价值2000美元左右的Peloton自行车。(财富中文网)


Your work colleagues may be in trouble.

As the pandemic rages outside, feelings of anxiety, depression, loneliness, burnout, and stress continue to grow inside an increasing number of workers.

In the U.K., a quarter of employees feel as if they have hit a psychological breaking point. According to a new study by health insurance company Lime Group, over half of those surveyed feel a pressure to disguise to their colleagues the sinking feeling that accompanies their difficulty in coping with both the stresses of the job and the stresses of the pandemic.

Lime calls the phenomenon “pleasanteeism,” which translates to putting on a brave face and presenting the very best versions of ourselves when returning to the workplace. Apparently, they are not even doing a very good job of fully masking the anxiety. Almost one in five copped to feelings that colleagues knew they were hiding something deeper.

The study finds “pleasanteeism” can be corrosive in a workplace. At its worst, such denialism masks deep-rooted workplace issues, and it undermines efforts to promote an open dialogue about mental health in a work setting. To wit, roughly one in six (16%) of workers felt their mental health needs were being supported at work. Furthermore, over a third believe their employers don’t provide them with enough general support.

Unsurprisingly, 40% say they will look for a new job if their employers don’t do more. That figure jibes with other studies showing employers could be seeing the great exodus once offices reopen in the coming weeks and months.

“Businesses are sleepwalking into a mental health crisis,” the Lime study concludes.

The situation is likely to get worse as the pandemic continues; four in 10 feel less resilient now than they did before the pandemic began. Findings from the report found that simple initiatives, such as employers being mindful about workload and work/life balance, having greater flexibility in working hours, and providing time off to deal with personal commitments and for overall mental health, would go a long way toward improving the well-being of employees.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to creating an open culture of mental health, says Emma Mamo, head of workplace well-being at Mind, a U.K.-based mental health charity, “but regularly communicating and providing opportunities for staff to talk about any issues they’re facing” are vital. She adds that employers should also survey staff to understand the causes behind poor mental health and try to mitigate them.

“It’s only by drawing attention to and prioritizing mental health in the workplace that we can support one another to be as healthy, resilient, happy, and productive as possible,” notes Shaun Williams, founder and CEO of Lime, in the study.

Mental health awakening

If any silver lining can be drawn from the COVID crisis, it’s that more and people—from Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles to Goldman Sachs junior bankers—are making the tough decision to choose mental well-being over the rigors of career-building.

In a 2020 study of 1,000 American workers, 80% said they would consider quitting their current position for a job that focused more on employees’ mental health. This was followed by the highest “quit rates” ever recorded in April and May of 2021, what some social scientists called the “Great Resignation.”

More recently, a McKinsey survey found that roughly one in three workers said the return-to-office shift negatively impacted their mental health with pervasive workplace stigma surrounding mental or substance-use disorders exacerbating the decline.

There is also a heavy economic toll. Depression and anxiety have a significant economic impact with an estimated cost of $1 trillion a year to the global economy in lost productivity, according to a report conducted by the World Health Organization. The WHO finds that for every dollar invested in scaled-up treatment for common mental disorders, there is a return of $4 in improved health and productivity.

In the Lime Group study, 44% of workers in the U.K. noted low personal resilience impacted their ability to do their job effectively, admitting poor mental health had resulted in unproductive days, lost concentration, mistakes, and calling in sick.

But some big companies are navigating the problem in the old-fashioned way: using money. Credit Suisse was reported to be handing out one-off $20,000 “lifestyle” bonuses to maintain morale among staff feeling the strain from heavy workloads and remote work, while the investment bank Jefferies gave away Peloton bikes worth around $2,000.



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