Running a company is a constant process of breaking out of systems and challenging conditioned reflexes, of rubbing against the grain. 管理企业是一个不断打破现有系统和挑战、破除积习的过程 。 ——马克•麦考马克(Mark McCormack, 营销大师) There is only one valid definition of business: to create a customer. 经营只是一种有效定义:创造顾客。 ——彼得•德鲁克(Peter Drucker, 管理大师) Responsibility without control is at the core of management. 赋予责任但不去控制,是管理的精髓。 ——保罗•科里根(Paul Corrigan, 英国管理学者) It is important to pay people fairly, but managers also should heap on congratulations and feed people’s souls. 给员工合理的薪酬很重要,但管理者也是应该厚施表扬,给员工精神上的满足。 ——肯尼斯•布兰查德(Kenneth Blanchard, 美国领导力学者) Companies, like people, cannot be skilled at everything. Therefore, core capabilities both advantage and disadvantage a company. 企业和人一样,不可能具备所有的技能。因此,核心能力在赋予企业优势的同时,也赋予它劣势。 ——多罗西•伦纳德(Dorothy Leonard, 美国管理学者) With every decision we make, the last question we ask is what does the consumer think of this? 对于我们的每一项决策,最后的问题总是先了解顾客的想法是什么。 ——尼尔•菲茨杰尔德(Niall Fitzgerald, 联合利华前董事长) I try to only worry about things I have control over. 我尽量只对那些我能够控制的事情费心思。 ——史蒂夫•纳什(Steve Nash, 美国NBA球星) No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or “get rich” in business by being a conformist. 没有人能够因为随大流而实现真正和持久的成功或财富。 ——保罗•格蒂(J. Paul Getty,美国石油大亨) 相关稿件