具有吸引力的企业文化不仅有望使公司入选《财富》杂志100家最佳雇主(Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For)榜单,还是一笔极具竞争力的资产。盖洛普公司(Gallup)2009年的一项研究发现,员工敬业度排名前十位的公司,其每股收益率约是得分较低公司的四倍。然而,创造能够吸引和留住员工的工作环境却并非易事,尤其是这种投资的回报并不总是显而易见。安•罗德斯认为,公司必须将价值观直接融入到经营计划当中。她曾分别在美国捷蓝航空公司(JetBlue Airways)与西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines)担任首席人力资源官,目前在经营一家名为People Ink的咨询公司,其客户包括瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)与大通银行(Chase)零售银行业务部。如何创建强大的公司文化?罗德斯提出了下列建议。 践行公司价值观 在捷蓝航空,有一个重要的价值观——诚信。几年前,由于冰暴袭击,跑道结冰,多架飞机滞留机场数小时。我们非常清楚,这是我们的工作失误,因此主动承担了责任。为了解决此次事故,我们损失了大量资金。但如果我们在媒体前推诿责任,而公司的墙上却还标榜诚信是我们的价值观,这会给员工传递什么样的信号?要明确自己希望其他人坚守的价值观与行为方式。不要只是把它们挂在墙上,而要记在心里,随时在公司各个层面践行这种价值观。 扼杀一切不良苗头 如果新员工第一天上班,有人告诉他,我们的行事原则如何如何,结果却有一半的人做不到。在这种情况下,他们又怎么会信任公司的文化?如果有人无法融入公司,不必犹豫,还是让他卷铺盖走人吧。在西南航空公司,IT部门录用了一位专业素质极其出色的技术人员。入职30天后,他便来找我抱怨:“这地方真让我无法忍受。所有人都相处得那么融洽——他们在大厅里畅所欲言。可我只想回到自己的工位,埋头干活。”我给他的建议是,马上更新自己的简历,另谋高就。 招聘以价值为核心 我们有一个合作伙伴,是美国规模最大的医疗机构之一。开始合作时,我们调查了这家机构的病患输送人员。患者到医院首先见到的便是他们,他们负责把患者抬上担架或轮椅。我们对其中的一些优秀员工进行了分析,总结了他们脱颖而出的原因所在,比如他们宁可丢掉工作也要坚持说真话。之后,我们便开始在面试中提出一些有针对性的问题,确定求职者是否具备这些优秀员工们的素质。自从实行这种招聘方法,该公司的人员流动率从两位数直接下降到了个位数。
翻译:刘进龙/汪皓 |
Having an attractive corporate culture will do more than just land you on Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For list. It's also a competitive asset. A 2009 study by Gallup found that companies in the top decile for employee engagement boosted earnings per share at nearly four times the rate of companies with lower scores. But growing an environment that attracts and keeps employees is tough, especially because the return on investment is not always clear. Companies must build their values directly into their business plan, says Ann Rhoades, the former chief people officer at JetBlue Airways and Southwest Airlines. She now runs consultancy People Ink and works with the likes of Juniper Networks and Chase's retail banking division. Here are her tips on creating a strong culture in your company. Live what you preach One of the big values at JetBlue (JBLU) is integrity. A few years ago we had issues with planes sitting on the runway for hours. We were very clear it was our mistake and took ownership. It cost us a great deal of money to fix. But if we had gone to the press and blamed everyone else and we had integrity as a value on our wall, what would that have signaled to our people? Be specific about the values and behaviors you expect from people. Don't just put them up on a wall. Live and breathe them at all levels. Don't let bad seeds germinate If employees show up the first day and are told that people will behave a certain way and only half do, they're not going to believe in the culture. Don't be afraid to let someone go if he doesn't fit in. At Southwest (LUV) we hired someone in the IT department with great technical expertise. He came to see me 30 days into the job and said, "I can't stand it here. People are friendly -- they want to talk in the hall. I just want to get to my cube and do the job." My recommendation to him was that he start updating his résumé. Hire around values When we began working with one of the country's largest health care systems, we took a look at its transporters. They're the ones you first meet when you come to a hospital, the people who take you in on a stretcher or wheelchair. We analyzed the A players to figure out what set them apart, such as their willingness to risk their job by telling the truth. We started asking interview questions to see whether a potential hire had those A player qualities. Once we began hiring to those behaviors, we cut turnover from high double digits to single digits. |