

Jack Welch/Suzy Welch 2012年05月29日

    当前最不会招人嫉妒的或许就是摩根大通CEO(J.P. Morgan)杰米•戴蒙了。









    If there's one person you probably don't envy right now, it's Jamie Dimon.

    In the past week, the J.P. Morgan (JPM) CEO has been summoned to testify before Congress and learned that his company is facing investigations by an alphabet soup of federal agencies, from the CFTC to the FBI to the SEC. He's also had to spend a lot of time in the middle of a media feeding frenzy, offering mea culpas and referring to himself and members of his team as "stupid," "sloppy," and "dead wrong."

    In short, Jamie Dimon has been knocked off the large, white horse he rode through the financial crisis.

    Now, echoing the general consensus, nothing illegal appears to have occurred in the course ofJ.P. Morgan's $2 billion-plus trading loss. No taxpayer money was involved, and the investigations, it seems, are largely pro-regulation political grandstanding with a dose of schadenfreude thrown in. At least so far, nothing has happened that's actually going to seriously damage the bank's long-term value to shareholders. It's just that -- well, it's just that J.P. Morgan made a mistake.

    Guess what? It happens all the time, from Wall Street to the factory floor. Work is hard, fast, and complicated. People make mistakes. God knows we've both made them, and if you've got a few years of work under your belt, so have you.

    Which leads us to our main point, which is really not about J.P. Morgan at all, or at least not about it alone. Rather, it's about one of the most common crucible moments in leadership -- a big messy failure. Thankfully, very few screwups will garner the same level of public attention as J.P. Morgan's trading loss. But the principle we're getting at is the same. Over the course of your career, you won't be measured just by how many mistakes you make, because you'll make your fair share, but you'll be measured, as importantly, by how well you recover from them.

    Look, a mistake can do two things to you when you're a leader, no matter your level in an organization. It can define you, or it can galvanize you.

    The right choice is obvious, but unfortunately, far too often, the defining thing happens anyway. The mistake becomes a leader's identity. Stricken by guilt or self-doubt or both, he enters something of a vortex, obsessing over the blunder, searching incessantly for all the reasons it could have happened, conducting endless meetings to go over processes and procedures to prevent it from ever happening again, talking to everyone who feels affected in any possible way, and letting the breast-beating go on and on and on.

    Some of that is fine, of course -- indeed, some of it is absolutely necessary, especially the "autopsy." You definitely don't want the same mistake to happen twice! But that darn vortex of self-defeat is always around -- and it only goes in one direction, down.

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