

Shelley DuBois 2012年06月05日

    不是每个人找来一帮百老汇演员,戴上二十世纪八十年代的假发,就能鼓捣出值得观看的玩意。你得有克里斯汀•亨吉那样的天分。她执导了轻松温馨的百老汇音乐剧《摇滚年代》(Rock of Ages),在2009年获得五项托尼奖(相当于美国电视界的奥斯卡奖——译注)提名(包括最佳音乐剧和最佳音乐剧导演)。她现在年仅34岁,年纪轻轻就已经声名鹊起,。

    《财富》杂志(Fortune)在其新作品制作现场采访了亨吉。这幕新剧《冲浪:音乐剧》(SURF The Musical)使用沙滩小子的音乐,今年6月即将在拉斯维加斯上演。她分享了成功制作音乐剧的诀窍。



    然后你试图尽可能多地创造这种一拍即合的情况。实际上,我今天和布景师说话时问他:“哦,你知道我想要什么时候的景象?我想要天空还没有完全黑下来,将将开始变成紫色。” 他回答:“你想要天空有点奇幻的色彩。”我说:“太对了,那就是我想要的!”







    Not all of us could get a horde of Broadway actors wearing 1980s wigs to do anything worth watching. No, it takes a special kind of talent to be Kristin Hanggi, who directed the feel-good Broadway musical "Rock of Ages," which was nominated for five Tony awards in 2009 (including Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical). She's young to have come so far so fast -- Hanggi is only 34 years old.

    Fortune spoke with Hanggi while she was on the set of her new production, "SURF The Musical," which features the music of the Beach Boys and opens this coming June in Las Vegas. She explains what it takes to make a musical work.

    Fortune: What's involved in pulling off a Broadway production?

    Kristin Hanggi: Definitely trusting your instinct. When you're hiring people for a project, you pay attention to how they connect to you. Sometimes, there's a back-and-forth that starts to happen immediately, where you know this person gets what you're doing.

    Then you try to create those clicks in as many places as possible. In fact, I was talking to a set designer today, and I said, 'Ooh, you know what time I want it? I want the sky when it isn't fully dark yet, and it's just starting to turn purple.' And he goes, 'you want a little magic in your sky,' and I said, 'yes, that's exactly what I want!'

    You're quite young to have gotten so far in theater. When would you say you first began to trust your instincts as a director?

    I remember being 22 or 23 and I had just graduated from graduate school a little early and I was doing my first professional production, a musical called Bare. Everything else that I had done before had been shoestring.

    I remember sitting there as we were creating it, and I felt this, I don't know, voice inside of me that said 'trust your instincts.'

    I almost feel like it comes down to this big concept of oneness, that deep down, people are all the same? We all know that taste does vary, but I always feel like, hands down, if I'm enjoying myself, I think that means that other people will too.

    That must come in handy.

    I've been told before that I have really commercial tastes, and what is that? Is that a compliment? Is that a criticism? But you know, I think it means that what I'm responding to, the majority of people will respond to as well.

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