蒂莫西•梅奥普罗斯 任职公司:房利美 本周一,美国银行(Bank of America)前高管蒂莫西•梅奥普洛斯成为房利美公司(Fannie Mae)CEO,他的勇气令人敬佩。房利美与姊妹公司房地美(Freddie Mac)为美国房屋抵押贷款提供了大部分资金,但自2008年美国抵押贷款危机以来,房利美便一直深陷财务泥潭而无法脱身。 梅奥普洛斯的前任迈克尔•威廉姆斯在房利美的日子并不好过。2010年,房利美亏损高达140亿美元,2011年又增至169亿美元。房利美从美国政府借贷总计约1,160亿美元,而且直到2011年底,公司每个季度向美国财政部申请的救助资金都在递增。 不过,现在有迹象表明,房利美的境况已经开始有所好转。上个月公司表示,2012年第1季度,房利美将不再需要向政府借贷。此外,美国房价已经触底,可能会逐步趋于稳定。 许多公司领导人在接受了政府紧急救助的公司里都遭遇了滑铁卢,梅奥普洛斯是少数几位脱颖而出的《财富》500强(Fortune 500)CEO之一。下面我们还将介绍其他四位在接受了政府紧急救助公司任职的CEO。 |
Timothy Mayopoulos Company: Fannie Mae Let us all acknowledge the moxie of former Bank of America executive Timothy Mayopoulos, who became the CEO of Fannie Mae on Monday. Along with Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae provides most of the funds for U.S. home mortgages and has been in a state of relative financial spiral since the mortgage crisis in 2008. Mayopoulos is taking over for Michael Williams, who has had a tough job. Fannie's losses in grew from $14 billion in 2010 to $16.9 billion in 2011. It has borrowed a total of about $116 billion from the U.S. government, and has asked for more money from Treasury every quarter through the end of 2011. There's some evidence that things are changing. The company said that it wouldn't need government loans in the first quarter of 2012, it said last month. And U.S. housing prices, having hit bottom, might finally stabilize. Mayopoulos is one of several Fortune 500 CEOs to emerge on the scene in what has been a series of leadership fiascos at companies that took bailouts. Here's a look at four other CEOs at bailed out companies. |