

Daniel Roberts 2012年10月25日

今年九月,张大卫在多伦多的福桃面吧(Momofuku Noodle Bar)

    张大卫(音译:David Chang)是纽约最受欢迎的拉面大厨,但讨厌他的人也不在少数。

    在大众美食网站Eater上,一位不愿署名的评论者如此评论张大卫:“我们还在关注那个家伙吗?他的厨艺跟他的口味和脾气一样糟糕。”网络美食杂志Star Chefs颇具影响力的负责人安托瓦内特•布鲁诺称张大卫“被高估了”。美国掴客网(Gawker)说他是一名“说大话的厨师”,而且“对家人并不友好”。在美食家网站Grub Street上,另外一位评论者则把张大卫称作“黑武士”。

    但张大卫的粉丝们自然不会接受这样的评论。这位35岁的韩裔美国大厨凭借其福桃餐饮集团获得了巨大成功。早在2004年,他在纽约市东村开办了一家无电梯的休闲拉面馆福桃面吧(Momufuku Noodle Bar)。如今他的旗下已有八家餐厅(其中四家开设在海外),另有五家福桃奶品点心铺(Momofuku Milk Bar)。此外,公司还有两家酒吧,分别是多伦多的Nikai酒吧和纽约的Booker & Dax高级酒吧。



    New York's favorite ramen chef has earned a healthy share of haters.

    "Are we still paying attention to this guy?" asks an anonymous commenter about David Chang on the popular food site Eater. "His cooking is as sloppy as his palate and composition." Antoinette Bruno, the influential head of the online food magazine Star Chefs, has called Chang "overrated." Gawker calls him a "mouthy chef" who "isn't exactly family friendly." Another commenter, on the foodie website Grub Street, calls Chang "Darth Vader."

    Chang's legions of fans, though, appear to disagree. The Korean American chef, 35, has had wild success with Momofuku restaurant group, which he began in 2004 with Momufuku Noodle Bar, a casual walk-up ramen bar in New York City's East Village, and has grown to eight restaurants (four of them outside the U.S.) and five locations of his bakery, Momofuku Milk Bar. The company also has two bars, Nikai in Toronto and the posh Booker and Dax in New York.

    This fall, Chang makes what is perhaps his biggest move yet, opening an all-Momofuku building in Toronto that houses three different restaurants and a bar. What started as a 27-seat East Village ramen joint now boasts more than 500 employees, two cookbooks, a quarterly magazine, and an R&D lab. It is, in other words, a bona fide culinary empire. Chang has mixed feelings about this expansion, even as he bores full-steam ahead—and as his empire grows, the chef is undergoing his own evolution, reconciling his identity as a food artist with his responsibilities as a businessman.

    Much of Chang's criticism comes, no doubt, from his success. Every industry has competition, but the culinary world can be especially vicious. And anyone that lives in New York and cares at all about food has probably suffered from Chang overload at some point. He seems to be everywhere: He appeared on HBO's New Orleans drama Treme last year. He pals around with Anthony Bourdain and Rene Redzepi of the renowned Noma in Copenhagen. Martha Stewart raves about his food ("It was with great pleasure that one day I tasted David Chang's pork buns," she says in a blurb on the back of his cookbook). The über-cool New York cocktail lounge PDT offers the Chang Dog, a deep-fried, bacon-wrapped, kimchi-slathered ode to His Changness.

    But Chang also has an attitude that can invite rebukes. He named his restaurant Momofuku because it means "lucky peach" in Japanese, but also in part because it sounds like "motherfucker." His profanity is the stuff of legend ("fuck her, man … let's put pork in every fucking dish," he says in the appearance on Treme; in 2009 he ridiculed Food Network personality Guy Fieri's "fuckin' sunglasses and that stupid fuckin' armband.") In interviews withFortune he dropped F-bombs with gusto. And by his acknowledgment, Chang has a temper that in the past led him to "explode" at employees, though he is working to soften his edge. "Dave is a big personality, obviously, and a divisive character," says Chris Ying, editor-in-chief of Lucky Peach, the food magazine Chang launched in late 2011 with Ying and Peter Meehan, both of publishing house McSweeney's. "There are people who love him and Momofuku," Ying says, "and then there are people who, for whatever reason, have a problem with him."

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