

Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013年10月18日






    提前进行准备,不断练习要讲的内容。高管教练、《软技能,硬道理》(The Hard Truth About Soft Skills)一书的作者佩吉•克劳斯说:“在与客户电话沟通的时候,参加内部会议的时候,或者在绩效评估时与上司交流的时候,提前准备是清楚表达自己观点的关键。”你要培养自己“在说话的时候充满热情与力量,利用自己个性中的这两个方面,让自己的话铿锵有力,触动人心。”







    You may have the greatest ideas in the company, but no one will know that if you can't communicate them.

    It's important to be clear and professional in your communications, whether that's over email, in meetings, or one-on-one. Observe colleagues and superiors whom you admire to see if you can learn and adopt their most effective communications techniques. Take care in composing emails to your boss, colleagues and clients; don't get lazy simply because of the communications medium.

    "The ability to effectively communicate really is the bedrock to developing critical relationships within the organization itself and sets the tone for development and movement," says Michael Steinerd, director of recruiting for Indeed.

    To be an effective communicator, it's just as important to listen and ask questions as it is to put forth your own ideas. Listening carefully to your audience will help you determine whether your ideas are being understood, and gauge how well your goals jibe with the interests of the people you're addressing.

    Prepare in advance, and practice what you're going to say. "When you get on the phone with a client, when you go into an internal meeting, when you are talking to your boss in a performance review, preparation is really key to getting your point across," says Peggy Klaus, an executive coach and author of The Hard Truth About Soft Skills. You want to develop "the ability to speak with both warmth and strength, using both parts of your personality to be dynamic and impactful."

    Don't shy away from difficult conversations: They're an important part of effective communication and are better tackled directly rather than avoided.


    Another much-neglected workplace skill is networking, both inside and outside of your organization. Many people assume they can stop developing their networks once they've landed a job. But continuous networking is key to success within your workplace -- and to finding another role if and when you're ready to change jobs.

    "People think that if they show up on time and do a good job that they will be rewarded," Klaus says. "You've got to let people know what it is that you're doing, not only so that you can advance your career, but so that people can use your expertise and services."

    With more organizations relying on cross-functional teams and projects that reach across divisions, you need to network internally. You also will open yourself, and your team, to more opportunities if you have a strong internal network.

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