要建立适应21世纪的企业,领导者就要找到方法,鼓励员工、客户、供应商和其他利益相关者积极贡献,同时对他们的贡献给予奖励。 组织机构必须同时注重两点:一是个人能力的释放——要设计出一种环境来充分激发人们的想象力、积极性和热情;二是将人们的能力集合在一起——要通过社交、移动和数字技术对各个领域中的人才进行召集和组织,以便他们就实质性的具体工作展开协作。 可惜,大多数公司都缺乏重新调配、利用这类资源的能力。这是因为大部分组织机构都在按照工业时代的做法运营,而这些做法的目的是尽量提高标准化水平和自上而下的管理力度。两种顽固而且非常有害的结构模式成了大多数组织机构的桎梏,这就是金字塔模型和价值链。 好消息是这些旧模式正在瓦解。随着新技术(数字、移动、社交和大数据)的兴起以及随之而来的准则(比如透明、合作、贤能政治、开放、团体和自主),协作性和社会性更强的模式正在取代自上而下的管理结构。 开放、自治、参与和灵活性能激发员工的活力。跨国水泥建材企业墨西哥水泥集团(CEMEX)建立了一个名叫Shift的全球性合作平台。在这里,4万名员工都能为公司的发展方向出谋划策。短短几年时间里,这个平台上就出现了几百个团体,每个团体都有能力就CEMEX的未来做出决定。 同时,消费者也变成了更为活跃(而且更加强大)的贡献者、合作者、批评者和布道者。有时候,消费者或者说“用户”就是公司本身。想一想游戏公司维尔福(Valve Software)旗下供用户自主开发并组建团体的平台Steam就会明白这一点。最有活力的公司正在重新构想自己的边界,重塑自己和伙伴以及利益相关者的联系。玩具公司乐高(LEGO)就在尝试一整套方法,其中包括全球性自由设计师网络和用户主导的创新平台CUUSOO。 领导者必须意识到个人贡献的价值,这项要求比以往任何时候都迫切。个人的才智、积极性和热情对企业的成功至关重要。但高层无法通过“下达命令”来挖掘这些深层次的个人特质,而只能去培养它们。也就是说,组织机构必须建立新的雇佣模式,它要强调个人的力量高于命令和控制。它还意味着,领导者必须把重点放在激活、扩大自己的团队上,而不是高高在上地进行管理。 几乎每个人都可以接触到这些新方法和新技术——从跨国公司到刚刚成立的初创型企业,从个人创新者到民间团体,再到跨行业活动,都是如此。这就是我们推出SAP无限人类潜能挑战项目(SAP Unlimited Human Potential Challenge)的原因,它的目的就是要发现并颂扬、讴歌那些致力于为人们的工作环境带来实质性改善的个人和机构。 |
To build a business that's fit for the 21st century, leaders need to figure out how to nurture and reward contributions from employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Organizations must focus both on unleashing individuals' capacity -- designing environments that inspire people to contribute their full imagination, initiative, and passion -- and on aggregating people's capabilities -- making use of social, mobile, and digital technologies to enlist and organize talent across boundaries to do actual, meaningful work with each other. Unfortunately, most companies lack the ability to reconfigure and make use of such resources. That's because a majority of organizations operate according to industrial-era practices that were designed to maximize standardization and top-down authority. Most organizations are prisoners of two persistent and pernicious structural models: the pyramid and the value chain. The good news: the old paradigms are already crumbling. With the rise of new technologies (digital, mobile, social, and Big Data) and the principles they represent (such as transparency, collaboration, meritocracy, openness, community, and self-determination), top-down structures are giving way to more collaborative and social approaches. Employees are enlivened by openness, autonomy, participation, and flexibility. Global cement and construction material maker CEMEX built a global collaboration platform called Shift to involve its 40,000 employees in setting the direction for the company. In just a few years, Shift has spawned hundreds of active communities with the power to make decisions on the future of the organization. At the same time, customers have become more active (and powerful) contributors, collaborators, critics, and evangelists. In some cases, customers or "users" are the company. Consider Valve Software's platform for user-driven development and community, Steam. The most vibrant companies are re-imagining their boundaries and connecting with partners and stakeholders. LEGO is experimenting with a portfolio of approaches, from its global network of free agent designers to its user-driven innovation platform, CUUSOO. More than ever, leaders must recognize the value of individual contribution. Individual ingenuity, initiative, and passion are critical to business success. Yet these deeply human qualities cannot be "ordered up" from on high. They must be nurtured. This means that organizations must build new models of engagement that emphasize the power of the individual over command-and-control. And it means that leaders must focus on energizing and enlarging the community rather than managing it from the top down. These new approaches and technologies are available to just about anyone -- from global companies to emerging startups to individual innovators to citizen groups to cross-sector initiatives. That's why we are launching the SAP Unlimited Human Potential Challenge -- to unearth and celebrate the individuals and institutions that are working to improve working life in a meaningful way. |